Anonymous ID: d89669 May 8, 2021, 8:32 a.m. No.13612895   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hope more talented anons (than I, which is probably all of you) can help keep these testimonies visible, as there’s a reason the word, “Communist” is censored by Mockingbird msm:


Words of a Black (1930-39) Communist:

Stirring up race and class conflict is the basis of all discussion of the Communist Party’s work in the South. The evil genius, Stalin, and the other megalomaniacal leaders in Moscow ordered the use of all racial, economic and social differences, no matter how small or insignificant, to start local fires of discontent, conflict and revolt. “Who could tell which of these issues could start a general conflagration” that would sweep across the former Confederate States from Maryland to Texas?


White leftists descended on Negro communities like locusts, posing as “friends” come to help “liberate” their black brothers. Along with these white communist missionaries came the Negro political Uncle Toms to allay the Negro’s distrust and fears of these strangers. Everything was inter-racial, an inter-racialism artificially created, cleverly devised as a camouflage of the red plot to use the Negro.


-Manning Rudolph Johnson (1908-1959), Communist Party USA African-American leader and the party's candidate for U.S. Representative from New York's 22nd congressional district during a special election in 1935. He later left the Party and became a government informant and witness.

On July 14, 1949, Johnson testified on "Communist Infiltration of Minority Groups":


Bella Dodd in 1953: Now I saw this was only a facade placed there by the movement to create the illusion of the poor man’s party; it was in reality a device to control the “common man” they so raucously championed.”


One is control over money, and two is control over words/language. They are fast taking over all the nice words, all the nice language of the Christian world, and they are taking them to themselves and giving them new connotation so that when they talk to the world they are saying one thing which is understood by their followers, but to our ears it sounds like the things which we should be saying.”

“The Communist’s theory of getting where it wants is through conflict—creating conflict…  If no conflict exists, they will engender the conflict and engender it in a certain position which drags the whole public opinion to the left in the direction of Communism….

-Dr. Bella Dodd was a lawyer, union activist and member of the US Communist Party from 1932 to 1949, rising through its ranks in the national committee until 1949…