North Korea launches missile intercepts a the the chyna rocket.
Showing 5 1/2hrs to go. Altitude 177 KM
What altitude dose friction start to kick in.
7.8KM/s - kinda fast
So it needs to drop another 100km before we see burn?
I converted - its at 151km now
I wish we had a flat earther here to show us the re-entry path on their trackers.
Something strange over the pacific - bad sensors or something - but it jumped in altitude again - by 2-3 km.
Close to the same place last orbit
It's still gaining in altitude
I had no idea that it could behave like a porpoise
It's acting like Biden's results on election night 153km now
Hitting a denser part of the atmosphere and then taking a bounce up of about 10km, which seems to be a pretty big bounce. Seems to happen mid-pacific on it's upturn to northern latitudes.
Interesting to watch in real time.
Do you think the sat operators who are trying to keep their equipment from being blasted have a bit of pucker factor when this thing can change altitude by 20km in 10 minutes?