Anonymous ID: 24b085 May 8, 2021, 12:52 p.m. No.13614377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4404 >>4412 >>4419 >>4446 >>4483 >>4802 >>4832 >>4881 >>4968 >>4988 >>4992

Ex-President Barack Obama Reveals Death of Family Dog Bo


A Portuguese Water Dog, Bo, was a family pet of the former First Family of the United States, and was even occasionally referred to as the 'First Dog'. Born in 2008, the dog joined the Obama family a year later.


Former US President Barack Obama took to Twitter on Saturday to announce the sad news that their family's dog, Bo, died after being "a constant, gentle presence in our lives" for over a decade.


"He tolerated all the fuss that came with being in the White House, had a big bark but no bite, loved to jump in the pool in the summer, was unflappable with children, lived for scraps around the dinner table, and had great hair", Obama wrote in a heartfelt post on Twitter.


The two-term US president also shared a couple of photos of Bo, who was occasionally referred to at the White House as the 'First Dog' during his owner's tenure.


Today our family lost a true friend and loyal companion. For more than a decade, Bo was a constant, gentle presence in our lives—happy to see us on our good days, our bad days, and everyday in between.

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) May 8, 2021


He was exactly what we needed and more than we ever expected. We will miss him dearly.

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) May 8, 2021


​The Obama family welcomed Bo, a Portuguese Water Dog, in 2009. In 2013, Bo was joined by Sunny, a female of the same breed.

Anonymous ID: 24b085 May 8, 2021, 12:54 p.m. No.13614391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4802 >>4832

REVEALED: Liz Cheney’s Husband Works For Chinese Communist Party-Linked Law Firm.


Representative Liz Cheney’s husband’s law firm represents several Chinese Communist Party-linked clients – including firms tied to the regime’s military – and employs former party officials to undergird its massive China practice, The National Pulse can reveal.


Phillip Perry – the husband of the House Republican Conference Chair who looks set to be ousted over her outlandish criticisms of her own party and its leader Donald Trump – serves as a Partner at Latham & Watkins. The firm, which has offices in Shanghai and Beijing, has worked with companies labeled “tools” of the Chinese Communist Party by the U.S. State Department and People’s Liberation Army collaborators.


Landing the position after working in the George W. Bush administration, Perry has defended the “revolving door” between government officials and lobbying and legal firms:


“The term ‘revolving door’ implies people going in and out of government in order to obtain monetary gain. The reason people go into government is to serve their country. It’s not appropriate to describe that as a ‘revolving door,'” Perry has previously claimed.

Communist Clients.


While Perry claims to have gone into government to serve his country, his colleagues are servicing the needs of a foreign, hostile nation.


As part of its “Greater China Practice,” Latham & Watkins describes itself as “advising” Chinese Communist Party-linked technology firm Tencent on its investment in an American company.


Tencent has been described by the State Department’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation as a “tool of the Chinese government,” noting the company has “no meaningful ability to tell the Chinese Communist Party ‘no’ if officials decide to ask for their assistance.” It provides “a foundation of technology-facilitated surveillance and social control” as part of the CCP’s broader crusade “to shape the world consistent with its authoritarian model,” the State Department report adds.


Even the left-wing Amnesty International rated Tencent’s data encryption capabilities zero out of 100, noting it hadn’t “stated publicly that they will not grant government requests to backdoor.”


Latham & Watkins has also boasted how it successfully “persuaded” the U.S. government to lift Trump-era sanctions on state-owned China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited (COSCO). COSCO is a controversial, Shanghai-based logistics company labeled as a “thinly veiled arm of the Chinese military” by a task force of the U.S. House of Representatives. Eleven of its 13 executives boast of high-level Chinese Communist Party affiliations on COSCO’s website.


“On January 31, the US Department of State and the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control removed a COSCO subsidiary and one of its former executives from OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List,” the firm’s press release reads.

Anonymous ID: 24b085 May 8, 2021, 12:56 p.m. No.13614401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4802 >>4832

Biden’s CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Admits She Changed School Guidance to Give Toxic Teachers Unions “What They Need”


The CDC director admitted she changed school guidance on Covid to appease the toxic teachers unions.


Dr. Rochelle Walensky admitted during an appearance on “The View” that she ignored the “science” and tailored the agency’s Covid guidance to give teachers unions “what they need.”


For nearly a year, teachers unions have all but shut down public schools.


Teachers are refusing to do their jobs while making outrageous demands.


Countless teachers have been caught traveling to tropical destinations while claiming they’re too scared to teach students in person ‘because of Covid.’


Biden’s CDC director admitted what we all know to be true: The Covid guidance for reopening schools is purely political because the Covid infection rate among children is very low.

Anonymous ID: 24b085 May 8, 2021, 12:56 p.m. No.13614403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4802 >>4832

Gunmen Kill Seven Nigerian Police Officers in Oil State Attacks


YENAGOA, Nigeria—Gunmen killed seven Nigerian police officers in a night of attacks in the southern oil hub of Rivers state, police said on Saturday.


The attackers opened fire at a checkpoint on Friday evening, then drove on to hit two police stations, the statement said. Officers fired back, killing two of the raiders and injuring some of the others who escaped in a stolen car, police added.


The killings came amid deteriorating security in Rivers state—whose capital, Port Harcourt, is the gateway to the oil-rich Delta region—and other parts of Africa’s largest crude exporter.


Last month, Rivers State banned people crossing its borders at night in a bid to stop killings of police, customs, civil defense officers, and army soldiers.


On Friday, the armed men drove up in two Toyota Hilux vans at 1930 GMT and killed two officers at a checkpoint at Choba Bridge, police spokesman Nnamdi Omoni said in a statement.


The gunmen then killed two more officers and set fire to a patrol car at Rumuji police station, Omoni added. Police fired back there and killed two of the attackers, he said.


The remaining assailants then hit Elimgbu police station, killing three officers before fleeing under fire from police, the statement added. The men escaped “with various degrees of gunshot wounds” in a stolen car, Omoni said.


The attackers stole five assault rifles, and police launched a manhunt, he added.


Nigeria’s parliament last week called on the presidency, armed forces, and police to address mounting insecurity, with the lower house urging President Muhammadu Buhari to declare a state of emergency.


Since December, bandits have kidnapped more than 700 people from schools in the northwest, Islamist militants have killed scores of soldiers and civilians in the northeast, and kidnapping and crime have increased nationwide.

Anonymous ID: 24b085 May 8, 2021, 1:06 p.m. No.13614458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4802 >>4832

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Holds Emergency Meeting After AZ Senate Threatens Legal Action for Not Providing Passwords and Routers


The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors held an emergency meeting yesterday after the County was reportedly unable to provide passwords to the auditors performing an audit of the county’s 2020 Election results. They also did not provide access to the routers which were requested in the audit as well.


Yesterday the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors held an emergency meeting to discuss their inability to provide routers and passwords to the auditors of the county’s 2020 Election results:


No answers yet – the Supervisors are in a lot of trouble in not providing these items to the auditors. These items are not out of place or items that are out of the ordinary in an audit like this one. You have to wonder why the auditors who the County selected to audit their work didn’t have a problem with this. Did they not request this information? This would indicate a poorly designed audit. Did they pass on not receiving this information? This would indicate a problem with the auditors’ judgement.

Maricopa County would be in a much better position if they just complied with the audit requests from the beginning.

Anonymous ID: 24b085 May 8, 2021, 1:16 p.m. No.13614517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4802 >>4832

Sen. Hagerty visits Mexico and Guatemala, calls for urgency on border crisis: 'This needs to be fixed now'


DHS Secretary Mayorkas said Friday that hundreds of migrant children are still crossing the border every day


Sen. Bill Hagerty returned late Friday from a visit to Mexico and Guatemala, where he met with top officials of both countries a month before Vice President Kamala Harris is due to make a similar trip – with the Tennessee senator warning that it is vital the U.S. treats the border crisis with a sense of urgency that he believes is currently lacking.


"I went because this is the most urgent national security and economic problem we face as a nation, and we need to convey that sense of urgency to the leadership of Mexico and Guatemala," Hagerty, R-Tenn., told Fox News in an interview Saturday.


"This needs to be fixed now," he said. "This isn't something to take our time with, to have conference after conference and endless bureaucrat meetings, we need to do something about it now."


Hagerty, a former businessman who served as U.S. ambassador to Japan and helped secure a trade agreement between the two countries, met with the president and foreign minister in Guatemala, and Mexico’s foreign and economic ministers – along with American and Mexican business leaders.


Harris, who was put in charge of leading diplomatic efforts to resolve the border crisis in March, has yet to visit either country although she has held "virtual" meetings with leaders of both Guatemala and Mexico. She is due to visit both countries at the beginning of next month.


Hagerty said he was told by representatives of those countries that cartels are getting stronger and more powerful, partly because they are able to market messaging coming from the U.S. about an easier ride and better benefits for illegal immigrants in the U.S.


"When they hear news of perhaps a $15 minimum wage, $1,200 stimulus checks for illegal immigrants, this is the place to come if you want to get your COVID-19 shot because they don't have COVID vaccines down there yet – all these messages are being translated into marketing materials by these cartels, these coyotes to go prey on vulnerable people to create a sense of hope, a sense of urgency, a false sense of opportunity that they're going to come here and make a minimum of $15 an hour, and they're going to be treated a very special way here, better than they're being treated at home," he said.


The number of migrants coming to the border has spiked dramatically since President Biden took office, with more than 172,000 migrant encounters in March alone and a record number of migrant children that quickly overwhelmed facilities. Similar numbers are expected for April.


Critics have blamed the rollback of Trump-era policies by the Biden administration – namely, the construction of the wall at the southern border and the ending of diplomatic agreements like those with Northern Triangle countries and the Remain-in-Mexico policy, which kept migrants south of the border while they awaited their hearings.


The Biden administration has dismissed accusations that those policies, including a narrowing of interior enforcement, is to blame and has instead focused on "root causes" in Central America like poverty, climate, unemployment and violence. It has proposed a $4 billion investment in the region, including an initial $310 million in aid announced recently.