Anonymous ID: 4d2401 May 8, 2021, 1:04 p.m. No.13614449   🗄️.is 🔗kun

major announcement about the free conversion of silver to Rhodium expected to crash the rhodium prices right into a major supplier of fuel oil and blow up the whole world, wich will pop like a balloon, and then spin off through the gallacy like a blown up ballon that is let to fly around the room after being release.

then eveyrone will see that it's just a beachball

that is printed with a map of the world

and that it's Christmas day and they are still 8 years old and it's years and years ago and they get a second chance . . .


the picture of Jesus above your grandmas collection of highschool photos blinks at you and smiles, teeth gleeming.

Anonymous ID: 4d2401 May 8, 2021, 1:15 p.m. No.13614504   🗄️.is 🔗kun

when they show that they don't understand, it's not the real one.

that is because 7 is not 9 and that was done purposefully.

because it wasn't to be seen outside of the holy area.

the real one had 7.

it was in Rome for a very long time until the 'owner' of the place, a woman, decided to have her thuggy husband's army show up from Tunisia and sack Rome (she just didn't get her way so . . . why not burn it all down?)

I"m quasi-fictionalizing this.


however the story goes (where did i get this story) that as the Vandals went off with all the booty from the city, not burning it down after all) they decided that the candelabra thingy

wasn't really worth bringing back with them to Tunisia because it wasn't gold. So the old guide said that somewhere along the road to the sea the threw it into the river (what is the name of that river? oh quasi-fictinalizer?) well it depends if you want to hear it in Italian, or maybe in Tuscan, or perhaps in English, or maybe even in Hebrew (which was spoken in rome because tens of thousands were brought back there after the city was sacked)

and many of them were murdered in the amphitheatre.

centuries later the amphitheatre was converted into a memorial. Perhaps the first one to memorialize all the victims of the 'games' and the brutality of a past age.

but at some point, the Church again (yet again) 'fell' and the new dictator decided he wanted tourists.

dig it all up and take away the stations of the cross and turn it into a touristy destination.


but it's still got crosses in it, and probably stars of David, and other embleming that was common in ancient architecture: swirls and bent crosses.


fear porn Saturday right before the dawn of a new age.


the errant rocket is headed to Wu-who-who-han-dell?


hope not.

Anonymous ID: 4d2401 May 8, 2021, 1:30 p.m. No.13614576   🗄️.is 🔗kun


normally I wouldn't respond to you . . . but


'the Death cult Agenda

would be . . . another graphic altogether.


: not elected, not talented, but spending all the money that we don't even have and making you pay for it.


we don't beleive in democracy, but we do believe in mocking.

Anonymous ID: 4d2401 May 8, 2021, 1:32 p.m. No.13614595   🗄️.is 🔗kun

they go to college and study 'Operational Research'.

it could be rnamed 'Agendeneering'


the cult of 'spooky messaging'

and 'magic girls'

where 'success' is being 'found' and 'made into'

a star.


or being 'discovered' as a great 'musician' or 'artist'.

Anonymous ID: 4d2401 May 8, 2021, 1:34 p.m. No.13614616   🗄️.is 🔗kun

they know that they are frauds, so everyone else must be too, right? they are just bursting your bubble by letting you crash and burn.


they bring you to the precipice and say 'if you really believe you'll trust me and jump.'


make the deal. get them to commit.

then have your shirpa show up with the hang glider and fly off.

"see you buy, have a nice hike back down to your challet-town whore houses"

Anonymous ID: 4d2401 May 8, 2021, 1:43 p.m. No.13614699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4710


it wasn't a slide when people told the assholes who said 'never ever post this' that that is wrong and that it showed up in 10000 breads.

anon don't 'scrub history' for the sperm of the day urges of johnny come lately control freak handlers and operators.

Anonymous ID: 4d2401 May 8, 2021, 1:45 p.m. No.13614712   🗄️.is 🔗kun


that kind of thing will have the reverser effect and all that you intend that is ill and fowl will be firehosed back in your direction.

the sword mouthed one is not for doing what you tried to do.

what you did is called 'taking the Lord's name in vain'

Anonymous ID: 4d2401 May 8, 2021, 1:57 p.m. No.13614800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4816


the banner is more offensive when it is played with because the image is, in fact, also a memorial to the fallen Marines of the past.

but the baker crew didn't care about that. They dress the men up as clowns, etc etc.


as an old man I said 'well, whatever, they don't get it.' but the young man part of me said 'they'll figure it out on their own, we do have a bread.


but the whole never use Q Anon banner thing got to be a conflict script.

they ran that one at the same time they ran the 'they will now all round you up' scripts.

or the 'you'll be in FEMA camps by February ' (Im being hyperbolic).


anyway, ya, you're real.

I'm real

It's saturday

a rocketship is crashing

and the Diva's of Da-vooost are having their monster mash ball and all night escapes to tell us what we all can do for them, MMM-Kay.

so no apologies needed.


; )