Anonymous ID: 861b08 May 8, 2021, 9:29 p.m. No.13617991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8030


Grab a copy


The plan would have removed approximately 85% of the male population 30 to 40% of female population in just one generation


Obama/Bi-den forced to shut down they're very specific "gain of function" research in 2015-2016, because Candidate Trump looked like he was going to win.

Fauci moves the most promising research to Chy-na.


I know quite a bit about "genetic weaponry".


There's a reason a lot of it was developed in China and being deployed there first. China allowed the human testing needed to "tune" the systems.


It was the "thousand talents" program that Gates exploited to spread Coronavirus. Lieberman, and others, took virus to China. At same time the "walk around" team, 4 people, spread it through the market to explain it's "origin and provide deniability. If only those 4 were known


Yes Sir, it leaked from the lab. And Gates/Fauci had a "walk around team" spread it through the wet market to disguise where it leaked from, take the blame away from the lab


The covid-19 was intended to be released during Hillary's second term. To suspend or control elections at that point. Their plans were put into effect early because of the tremendous success of President Trump. And we see the results of their stolen election to this day.


Imagine the hysteria of covid-19 under a Hillary Clinton presidency with Faucii as surgeon General.


of N95 masks and respirators. And the Obama/Biden administration Never replenished them, leaving the U.S. UN-prepared for another outbreak.

Enter COVID 19, round two, also Chinese in origin. Designed to be released during Hillary's second term.


Planned, but supposed to happen during Hillary's second term to suspend elections


Prior to any mention or knowledge of covid-19 publicly, I discussed my own gain of function research with "redpill78". I'm sure he would verify that. This was the research they tried to steal, purchase, threaten, or seize from me. They wanted it for population and ethnic control.


Look at the timing, 2015-16, of when this research was moved to Chy-na. Because of the success of President Trump in the election.

As more and more pieces come out overlay those pieces with the timing of the election, and pass that to a Hillary presidency and what that would have

Meant for their success and taking over the government, our country, etc. Look at what they've done already in the first hundred days of a stolen administration. Picture and unbroken eight years of Obama 8 years of Hillary and then covid


All the plans were in place just waiting for the Hillary to win. Of course Trump won, but now they're trying to activate as much of it as possible against him.

People still don't realize just how close we came


All the plans were in place just waiting for the Hillary to win. Of course Trump won, but now they're trying to activate as much of it as possible against him.

People still don't realize just how close we came


And their personal gestapo the FB-I, make sure to run interference and destroy anyone who tries to expose their crimes against the United States and humanity.


Yes I have. In 2015/16 I provided samples to the FBI. They immediately raid our house to get rest. Once they believed they had it all (approx 4400 hrs) they destroyed it and tried to charge me. I managed to keep other copies though. This is partly why attorney is needed.


The crimes committed by the Obama administration didn't care about but the research into medical/GOF they wanted that bad. And they destroyed us to get it.


I don't think there's a single person today, other than the guilty parties, who doubt that the FBI doj are capable of everything I've said they've done, we see it every day now.

We pray that our lives can be restored as much as possible. I'm praying that I can do well in the