>do yu really belive this is just a random event?
yep. 'cause that's exactly what it is. read a book.
>do yu really belive this is just a random event?
yep. 'cause that's exactly what it is. read a book.
>could this be considered the "Sky Event"???
of course it could be "considered" the sky event. question is, IS it. answer, NO!
>BOoM or fizzle?
not even… it dreamed of being a fizzle, but it ended up being the equivalent of a fart in a windstorm.
>On its last past over the Gulf of Mexico I watched as the rocket gsined 3+ kilometers in altitude.
not impossible and not even uncommon. shit in decaying orbits can "skip" off the atmosphere like a stone skipping across a lake. frictional heating can cause ablation of outer layers, and this can act like a pulse from a thruster rocket, altering the objects trajectory. you can believe some kind of covert activity by spaceforce if you're so inclined. me, i'll take occam's razor. simplest explanation is the correct explanation.
>I birthed my babies all by myself
like 20 billion mothers before you. congratulations. your body performed an autonomic involuntary biological function and you managed to NOT fuck it up. you must be SO proud.
>squirting out the fetus was easy…what to do next was the hard part. kek
i stand CORRECTED. i was not thinking of THAT part. yes, i concur, the most difficult and most important job a human can do.
thank you for being a mom. we need more.
>at least I never tried to kill my children…
lol. if that's not rule #1, it's gotta be up there.
>KEK right! why is that funny? kek
i suppose everyone who's ever raised children has at one point or another said to them something along the lines of, "i brought you into this world, and i can take you out."
> because I've provided evidence he is.
clearly you do NOT know what evidence is. you cite discreet events and ASSUME a cause/effect relationship. that's called a hypothesis, and it's NOT proof or even evidence.