Anonymous ID: 67b635 May 10, 2018, 1:46 p.m. No.1361836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1972 >>2395 >>2475

Big Pharma Billionaire Charged With Conspiracy and Bribery of CDC Doctors Pharmaceutical kingpin, John Kapoor, was arrested for bribing doctors


Pharmaceutical kingpin, John Kapoor, was arrested for bribing doctors and pain clinics into prescribing the company’s fentanyl product to their patients according to Daily Caller News Foundation.


The drugs included opioids, which now claim over 64,000 lives a year in the United States. The arrests came just hours after President Donald Trump officially declared the United States opioid epidemic a "national emergency". NaturalNews reports: The Department of Justice (DOJ) charged John Kapoor, 74, and seven other current and former executives at the pharmaceutical company with racketeering for a leading a national conspiracy through bribery and fraud to coerce the illegal distribution of the company’s fentanyl spray, which is intended for use as a painkiller by cancer patients. The company’s stock prices fell more than 20 percent following the arrests, according to the New York Post. Kapoor stepped down as the company’s CEO in January amid ongoing federal probes into their Subsys product, a pain-relieving spray that contains fentanyl, a highly-addictive synthetic opioid. Fentanyl is more than 50 times stronger than morphine, and ingesting just two milligrams is enough to cause an adult to fatally overdose. The series of arrests came just hours after President Donald Trump officially declared the country’s opioid epidemic a national emergency. Drug overdoses led to 64,070 deaths in 2016, which is more than the amount of American lives lost in the entire Vietnam War. Support our mission and enhance your own self-reliance: The laboratory-verified Organic Emergency Survival Bucket provides certified organic, high-nutrition storable food for emergency preparedness. Completely free of corn syrup, MSG, GMOs and other food toxins. The ultra-clean solution for years of food security. Learn more at the Health Ranger Store. As the opioid crisis has developed, more and more states have begun holding doctors and opioid manufacturers accountable for over-prescribing and over-producing the highly-addictive painkillers. “We will be bringing some major lawsuits against people and companies that are hurting our people,” Trump said Thursday. He also spoke about a program similar to Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” initiative. “More than 20,000 Americans died of synthetic opioid overdoses last year, and millions are addicted to opioids. And yet some medical professionals would rather take advantage of the addicts than try to help them,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement. “This Justice Department will not tolerate this. We will hold accountable anyone – from street dealers to corporate executives — who illegally contributes to this nationwide epidemic. And under the leadership of President Trump, we are fully committed to defeating this threat to the American people. President Trump is bringing the war to Big Pharma’s doorstep Under President Trump, who continues to fight to end the drug cartels and health care monopolies that are destroying this nation, we may see more and more drug companies finally facing the legal scrutiny they deserve for engaging in the mass medical murder of Americans with dangerous, deadly drugs. And then there’s the question of vaccines, the autism cover-up and the criminal racket run by the CDC, Big Pharma and the lying mainstream media. When that medical fraud and corruption scandal blows sky-high, we may see dozens of pharmaceutical officials going to prison.


Read more at:

Anonymous ID: 67b635 May 10, 2018, 1:52 p.m. No.1361888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1916


I disagree.


Shills and division fags are necessary, they are forcing patriots to dig harder, turn the other cheek to abuse/ridicule and ensure their evidence is properly sauced and presented!


Plus it keeps those who shouldn't be here out! Don't spew hate or abuse, learn to deny their emotional triggers as it balances you!



Anonymous ID: 67b635 May 10, 2018, 2:32 p.m. No.1362300   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Figures. New York Times Runs Op-ed By Wife of Terrorist to Smear Gina Haspel


The New York Times is now running op-ed today by Fatima Boudchar, the wife of terrorist Abdelhakim Belhaj in order to smear CIA pick Gina Haspel.


Not once in the hit piece do they mention Boudchar is married to a top Islamic terrorist.


John Mc Cain and Abdelhakim Belhaj: “Our Man in Tripoli” in March 2015. He was the emir of the defunct Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, an anti-Gaddafi guerrilla group.


In a note sent to Interpol in February 2015, the Attorney General of Egypt, Hichem Baraket has just launched a warrant brought against Abdelhakim Belhadj and about thirty other criminals Egyptian, Tunisian and Kuwaiti, all suspected to belong to Daesh.


Belhaj was arrested in Malaysia in 2004. He was part of the Taliban in Afghanistan.


The Daily Caller reported:


The New York Times seems destined to sink Gina Haspel’s chances of becoming CIA director — even if it means running op-eds by the wife of a radical Islamist.


The Gray Lady decided to give one of her pages on Wednesday to Fatima Boudchar, who was jailed by the CIA in 2004. To hear Boudchar tell it, you’d think the U.S. government abducted and tortured a poor pregnant woman in a Bangkok secret prison simply because of her tangential relationship with an anti-Qaddafi freedom fighter.


In reality, Boudchar’s professed ignorance of being a simple woman “from a small town in Morocco” who “hardly thought about the United States” stands in opposition to her marriage to Abdelhakim Belhaj, an Islamist military leader who once fought for the Taliban and has alleged ties with al-Qaeda leaders.


Of course, Belhaj’s name is nowhere to be found in Boudchar’s column — surprisingly (or not, depending on your level of cynicism) The New York Times’ editors didn’t find it necessary to include this fact either.


Boudchar said she underwent brutal torture in the hands of the CIA, such as being assaulted in the stomach despite being halfway through a pregnancy. Her stay with the CIA was brief, however, and she seemed to undergo the most brutality in the hands of the Libyan government.

Anonymous ID: 67b635 May 10, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.1362462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2481

Georgia mom admits letting men, including 78-year-old, rape daughters, 5 and 6, for money


A mother in Georgia pleaded guilty to allowing several men, including a 78-year-old, rape her two young daughters in exchange for cash, officials said Friday.


The Fulton County District Attorney’s Office said in a news release that Morgan Summerlin, 25, pleaded guilty on April 26 to cruelty to children, trafficking a person for sexual servitude and enticing a child for indecent purposes, with sentencing set for June 4.


“It is difficult to imagine facts that are more horrific than those found in this case,” District Attorney Paul L. Howard, Jr. said in a statement. “I am hoping these two little girls can somehow survive this abuse and grow into healthy adults who can lead a productive and fulfilling life.”




Officials said the two young victims told adults in April 2017 their mother would bring them to men’s homes to be molested and raped for money. In one incident, the two girls said their mother brought them to the home of 78-year-old Richard Office, who was referred to as “Pop.”


“Pop” would give their mother drugs, and in one incident the 78-year-old raped the younger sister while the other rubbed his feet, all while Summerlin sat in his living room, according to officials.


“Afterward, Office gave the girls one-hundred dollars, and the girls’ mother immediately took the money from them,” the DA’s office said. Summerlin freqeuntly posted about her children on Facebook.

Anonymous ID: 67b635 May 10, 2018, 2:52 p.m. No.1362483   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IBM bans USB, SD cards, flash drives and all other portable devices from every office, worldwide


At IBM, portable storage devices like a USB, SD card, or flash drive are no longer welcome. As in banned, for security reasons. In the next few weeks IBM will be barring these items from the workplace worldwide.


According to PC Mag:


Instead of portable storage, IBM wants everyone using the cloud and more specifically, IBM's own File Sync and Share service, which it also offers to enterprise customers. That may work for IBM employees on campus, but what about those out in the field carrying out repairs and upgrades? Rather than having a patch on a USB stick, secure cloud access will need to be established instead.


"The possible financial and reputational damage from misplaced, lost or misused removable portable storage devices must be minimized," said Shamla Naidoo, IBM's global chief information security officer.


It's hard to argue against that. USB sticks and SD cards are very easy to forget or lose, and whoever finds them will usually check what they contain. Removing them from the equation completely solves that problem, but the cloud access replacing it needs to be rock solid. It looks likely USB storage sticks will quickly be replaced with USB 4G LTE sticks.

Anonymous ID: 67b635 May 10, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.1362542   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Thousands protest as German police given powers to open mail under new laws


Thousands of people have gathered in the center of Munich to protest against the introduction of sweeping new surveillance powers, including the opening of mail, for German police.


Organizers expected some 7,000 protesters to take part in the rally which is underway at Munich Marienplatz, the city’s central square and transport hub.


Footage of the rally shows a crowded central square. Due to the high number of protesters, Munich police took to Twitter to urge new arrivals to go to nearby Odeonsplatz as Marienplatz had grown too full.


Some 65 organizations, including opposition parties Greens, SPD and FDP, oppose the planned Police Task Force Act (PAG). The legislation would allow authorities to open letters, survey apartments as well as scan email and telephone conversations.


The new law is intended to give investigators more powers to search through citizens’ private correspondence in cases where danger is considered “imminent.” However, critics have warned that the term is too vague and is open to manipulation by police looking to gain spying powers in cases that do not warrant their use.


Bavaria's ruling CSU party has come in for criticism from opposition parties over its increased emphasis on security. "The surveillance mania of the CSU endangers our liberties," said Green politician Katharina Schulze in the state parliament, according to Munich newspaper Abend Zeitung .