>There was no attempt to DIVIDE.
>There was however a strategic move to REVEAL.
>[Be careful who you follow]
>Incorrect message translated [past] autists.
>Correction made.
>No names mentioned.
>They revealed themselves.
>Fake & False [incorrect] decodes removed/resolved.
>Fake & False claims of an 'unknown' allowed access to classified sealed indictments removed/resolved.
This was internal smoke out operation as much as it was about public board such as this one. There were traitors within the government. Q is apparently saying, these have been dealt with. THAT is GREAT in and of itself.
>I have seen them defend pedophiles and criminality of every stripe and slide it just like marxists.
You really think all the SES/AIM/Flat earth and 'muh muh jooz shills' bullshit on this board was all separate? NO.
These fuckers are putting America LAST, israel FIRST. THAT has been made manifestly CLEAR.
TRAITORS. There is no room for israel here. Only AMERICA. America is NOT a 'jewish' nation or have (((their))) interests in mind, no matter what pulpil they full. PERIOD.