Anonymous ID: 61d809 May 9, 2021, 4:32 a.m. No.13619252   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In Europe the Covid19 virus seems to be in decline and relaxation of the measures to end its effect, are beginning to take place. Freewill and karma are in play so that some souls will have a totally different experience to others. Even a soul’s life plan is involved so you cannot say for certain how things will work out. However, on a greater scale for humanity in general, all will be affected in one way or another as things cannot return to the way they were before the lockdowns.


Many changes are envisaged that in the long run will prove beneficial to everyone. It may not seem so at the moment but given time you will see the making of a new society that cares for each other and brings more equality into being. For too long a privileged group of people have used their position and wealth to try and create a system that makes all of you subservient to them. Their last attempt has failed and whilst it will take time to create a fairer society the intention is present and it will succeed.


There is a plan for humanity that will eventually right the wrongs of recent times, and the promise of a happy and satisfying life. It cannot happen overnight but the mould has been cast and you will see the signs of the changes mentioned. For too long you have been held back and not allowed to develop in a way that would have lifted up your quality of life. The dark Ones have purposefully placed obstacles in your way and created friction between nations sometimes resulting in wars. You can imagine the harm they cause and not least of all the cost of human life, the damage to your dwellings and facilities.


Matters are changing for the better but give it time as centuries of war and the destruction that comes with it, cannot be put right over night. Know that happier times are coming along with peace and answers to your problems. Eventually all will live in peace and friendship whilst accepting the difference in views and opinions that add to the great variety and spice of life. Long standing customs will not change overnight and should be welcomed as part of the character of those involved. Much hinges upon how quickly you can accept each other’s differences, and come together as a community whilst welcoming them as an equal part of the Human Race.


For you who know the future will bring peace to all nations, lays the task of uniting those who are your neighbours regardless of their colour or creed. At heart every soul seeks peace and happiness, and it is destined to come within many of your lives. It is planned and is being helped by the desires of the people, who desperately want to see a permanent end to disputes and differences that in the past have led to confrontation and hostilities. The mood of the people will enable them to stand up to those who are warmongers and stop their activities. In the past they have played one side against the other and profited from backing the war machine. The people have “spoken” and will not tolerate those who believe that “might is right”. Permanent peace will come for certain as the level of consciousness rises and rejects warlike actions or words.


In the midst of chaos we are of the Light that will lift people up and bring peace about for everyone. Those of the lower vibrations will have no place in such a future, and will have their own path to follow that will give them another opportunity to rise up through a greater understanding and appreciation of how a harmonious life should be. Those dear souls who oversee your lives have never ending patience and love for you and are always ready to assist when you call for their help. There are many unseen helpers who help you follow your life plan and arrange opportunities accordingly.


Many of you have reached a level of evolution that enables you to rise up with the increasing vibrations and continue to do so all of the way to Ascension. In doing so you are also helping those who follow you and can learn from your example. We salute and bless those of you who hold your heads up high, and with determination march ever onwards prepared to face whatever obstacles are placed in your way. You are the ones creating a path that others can follow and are to be thanked for your resolute intentions to drive ever forward. It should be comforting to know that you will not have to spend any future lives in the lower vibrations.


I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

Anonymous ID: 61d809 May 9, 2021, 4:50 a.m. No.13619311   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep, everyone must choose the dark or the light.

There will be a split but first, in order to make an informed decision the truth of what all has happened will be exposed. 4-6 % will still choose the dark even knowing what they did to everyone else.


I believe this is the 4-6% lost forever.

Anonymous ID: 61d809 May 9, 2021, 5:23 a.m. No.13619390   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It is easy to tell if you are aligned with your very own stream of grace. When your energy is flowing with your stream, you feel good. When your energy is resisting your stream, you feel bad.


Imagine yourself in a river. If you are floating unimpeded, the ride is exhilarating or gentle and peaceful. You are carried easily downstream. If the river is blocked with boulders, or if you try to cling to the trees on the banks, you’re fighting a mighty current. You’ll wear yourself out, bang yourself up and maybe even feel as if you are drowning. You know these feelings in your own life. You know the exhilaration of being “at one” with the flow of love. You know the pain of hanging on to something that was once a part of your life but needs to be let go. You know the frustrating feeling of obstacles created by fear and doubt. And you know the drowning sensation that ensues when you focus on what is not working in an endless eddy of frustration. Dear ones you can feel your relationship to the stream that you, yourself, called forth.


So how do you get back in the flow that leads to all you seek, when you feel you’ve strayed? The answer is simpler than you might imagine. Right in the moment when you notice you are feeling bad, frustrated, angry, upset, sad, worried, doubtful, or any other unpleasant emotion, imagine yourself in that stream. Try out thoughts that feel better. Flow love towards anything you see in front of you. Do something that you enjoy as soon as possible. Relax. Release the obsession with the problem by focusing on something that feels better. Give yourself permission, as you would do with an upset child, to distract yourself with something better for the time being. You’ll know when you are aligned with the stream again because you’ll feel relief. You’ll start to feel energy moving through you. Maybe you won’t yet feel positive, but you’ll feel better.


Dear ones, surrender to your natural desire to feel better. Surrender to your natural desire to focus on more pleasant things. If reality “sucks” as you might say, stop facing reality. Focus forward. Find the stream, by searching for better thoughts. If you can’t pay a bill and you’ve done what you know to do, focus on a better thought, “The universe has access to infinite possibility. I am still here, alive, and have paid many bills I didn’t know how to pay.” Or “Wow, look at that sunset. Gorgeous. For just a moment I think I’ll sit here and give thanks for all the beauty around me.” Worry might try to grab you again. People might tell you to be “more responsible,” but dear ones, respond to your own hearts first! The stream wishes to carry you to your solutions.


There are many streams of thought in your world now. There will never ever be one right one. The common denominator in all of them however is love. Choose to love yourself enough to do what feels best now, to think the thought that feels best now, to take the actions that feel inspired and joyful. Free yourself from the bondage of pleasing others and floating down their streams, and instead find and align with your own, one better feeling thought and action at a time.


Many small currents join to make a stream. Many small streams join to make a river. Then, dear ones, many rivers travel, as you travel, back to the Ocean of Love.

Anonymous ID: 61d809 May 9, 2021, 5:48 a.m. No.13619480   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Beloved human, I am with you now with the armada of light entities that accompany this earth and you through this time! With everything what happens and takes place now: You are just as little alone as the earth is not alone in its massive transformation.


It is the time of the final decisions and the time in which each human being determines his future time line and his future life circumstances.


It is unmistakable that the days of change have dawned – transformation and change, descent or ascent are no longer theory today, but are everyday practice, are what is happening before your eyes every day.


Already people’s choices are having consequences, because the sword of truth is passing through relationships, friendships and families. This fact is challenging and demands everything from you. For while in spirit you are anchored in the 5th dimension, on a physical level you are dealing with the density of the 3rd dimension.


Your everyday life is full of situations that you often thought you had already overcome. While your spiritual being finds deep joy and deep happiness in the living connection with God, you encounter earthly circumstances that can bring you out of your inner balance. Your present days are shaping up in this field of tension:


The NEW Earth is not yet realized and an epic battle is raging for the OLD Earth!


What is now the best method to maneuver safely through this phase of descent for some and ascension for others and to stay spiritually, mentally and physically whole and healthy?




First, I ask you:


– Give up all resistance to the current developments! Above all, give up resistance and concern that so many people are now turning to darkness and not to light. What is happening now is happening in accordance with pre-natal agreements of souls. Many are getting lost – and this is just as desired and wanted by the individual souls.


Please do not interfere mentally or energetically in the lives and decisions of your fellow human beings. Unless you are explicitly asked to do so.


Things are taking their course and today your unconditional love for all that is will be put to the test – today you can achieve mastery in this.


Because the decisions of people for the path of darkness and into the descent take place in your next environment. So let go! Meditate on this subject until you can accept and embrace everything from the depths of your soul.



Anonymous ID: 61d809 May 9, 2021, 5:52 a.m. No.13619501   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The enemy are control freaks. They want to control EVERYTHING.


Over time they have gained control of EVERYTHING.

As we slept they marched.

They want control of this bad, That's why you see the attacks. The flailing, the desperation.

Anonymous ID: 61d809 May 9, 2021, 6:38 a.m. No.13619718   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Whatever makes [them] REEEE the most.

Try different shit.

We are at war.

Try everything from Galactic Federation, To the Orion Group, Invisible Enemy, Chimera Group, Orion Constellation is called the Hunter. The Orion Hunter has become the Hunted edition.


See what makes they shit themselves the most.