Anonymous ID: 735408 May 9, 2021, 6:17 a.m. No.13619614   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, trust must be earned but it is not a singular on time act. Trust is built. Like a wall. One brick at a time until proven credibility stands on a rock solid foundation. That is trust.


Q, do you understand the gravity of what we are watching today? Xi Jinping is manipulating the chess board and it appears that he is the one playing 5D chess. Not us. The weakened, life long liar and shell of a man in the White House, Joe Biden is bought and paid for by Xi Jinping and the CCP. The entire Biden family is compromised and is indebted to Xi Jinping. They OWE HIM. This has put the national security of this country in grave danger. Xi has total control over everything we are watching take place today as the first 100 days is the tip of the proverbial iceberg. The democrat party is a irrefutable ally of Xi and the CCP as they have aided and abetted the CCP going all the way back to the Clinton administration allowing gyroscopic and satellite technology to be transferred to the CCP by Loral Space Industries and others. We are watching the People's Republic of China conquer this country without firing one, single shot. Yet……………….


This is just one of many consequential issues the democrat party and their subversive allies have forced on this nation. Between the China connection and the overrunning of our southern border their 16 year plan is back on track and accelerating.


Our leaders in our Armed Forces are eerily standing aside and in many instances, participating in the downfall of the Republic. The progressive agenda to hollow the military out to it's core is taking place and yet, it goes unabated.


Joe Biden and the democrat party will have their fair share of the blame for what is going to happen but so will you, President Trump and every other person who was in a position to do something about this, that didn't. The slow death that is being allowed to happen of this nation is unforgivable.


There is a post directly above the one I'm responding to quoting one of your drops that states "Those (Good) who know, cannot sleep". Appears they can't act either.

"All that is needed for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"-Edmund Burke

Are you a good man Q? Is President Trump a good man?