Anonymous ID: ca54ff May 9, 2021, 4:45 p.m. No.13623466   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Part ii


As of this writing on Saturday morning, the briefs are not yet gone from Amazon. However, in the past Amazon has removed material CAIR demanded it remove. In fact, the CAIR press release notes that the Hamas-linked organization already has a few notches in its belt in this line: “In 2019, CAIR helped secure Amazon’s removal of a number of doormats, bathmats and other items imprinted with Islamic calligraphy, references to the Prophet Muhammad and verses from the Quran, Islam’s holy text.” And it wants more: “CAIR however notes that Amazon continues to profit from the sale of pro-confederate digital audio books like the ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Civil War,’ despite public calls from groups like CAIR to drop such materials.”


The Director of CAIR’s Government Affairs Department, Robert S. McCaw, claimed that removing the underwear would be in line with CAIR’s policy: “CAIR is calling on Amazon to immediately remove from its Amazon Fashion’s section Guangzhou Yumei’s offensive men’s underwear product that disrespects the Islamic testimony of faith and its Muslim customers. By removing this product Amazon would be upholding its offensive and controversial materials policy, which includes not allowing products that promote religious intolerance.”


Amazon doesn’t allow “products that promote religious intolerance”? Well, that depends on the religion. At Amazon, you can still get a t-shirt emblazoned “Not, today, Jesus,” with an upside-down cross. You can get a t-shirt mocking the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. You can get books, too, that some Christians might find offensive: Friedrich Nietzsche’s God Is Dead. God Remains Dead. And We Have Killed Him. You can still get Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion. You can get Christianity Disproved: The conclusive proof that Christianity is false. You can get God Needs To Go: Why Christian Beliefs Fail. You can get All That’s Wrong with the Bible: Contradictions, Absurdities, and More. You can get Four Disturbing Questions with One Simple Answer: Breaking the Spell of Christian Belief.


And on and on and on. Material that Christians find insulting is not removed. Nor should it be. But Islamic supremacists, as always, demand special treatment for Islam. At issue here is more than just underwear that offends Ibrahim Hooper. Hooper and his sinister team are trying to establish and reinforce the precedent that if Hamas-linked CAIR thinks something is “offensive” to Muslims, Amazon will remove it