>you really have disproved my theory about low IQ anons
you started out by calling anyone who disagrees with your pretentious bullshit low IQ, then, criticize me for calling you a liar/moron.
HYPOCRITE MUCH? bet you're too stupid to recognize the irony, too.
i don't need to disprove your fucking bullshit. anyone with half an ounce of common sense knows it was bullshit.
as far as intelligence and education go, i won't waste time proving mine's bigger on an anonymous site.
and it would be terribly unsportsmanlike for me to engage in a battle of wits with an OBVIOUSLY defenseless opponent.
only a FUCKING MORON like you would try. your idiotic ramblings speak for themselves, you have NO FUCKING CLUE.
now KYS youi useless piece of excrement. you're an embarrassment to the species, Dr. Falci