Anonymous ID: 5cccec May 9, 2021, 8:38 p.m. No.13625074   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is a great similarity in the beliefs of those who worship a Supreme Being, regarding the origin of Man. The majority believe that "The Great Father" peopled this world for the purpose of giving the less culpable of those who followed Lucifer during the heavenly revolution another chance to decide, of their own free will, whether they will accept God's authority, and give Him unlimited obedience or, literally, go to the Devil. It is such beliefs that sustain such despised sects as Doukhobors in their passive resistance to man-made laws which they consider are contrary to God's Divine Laws. It is well to remember that the name Lucifer means Holder of the Light - a very brilliant being, the "Brightest" of the Angels. Notwithstanding these special gifts and privileges, he revolted against the supremacy of Almighty God.


Most people, other than Atheists and Darwinists, accept the story of the Creation. There are however, a great many different opinions regarding the story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. Many students of Comparative Religion argue that it is likely God created many worlds, and many Adams and Eves, and placed them in locations where they could reproduce their kind and populate the planets upon which they lived.


The fact that human beings are placed on this earth by a method and process of birth, which prevents them having any knowledge of a previous existence, fits in with this theory. All we know, regarding the period before Creation, is what has been revealed to us as told in the Scriptures. It really doesn't matter a great deal if there was one or many Adams and Eves. The important thing to remember is the fact that all human beings have been given a Free Will and must decide for themselves whether they believe in a God and a Devil, or if they believe in the atheistic-materialistic ideology. Each and every human being must make up his, or her, mind one way or the other. If a person believes there is a God and a Devil, then that person must decide which he is going to serve. An Atheist, if he joins either of the totalitarian ideologies serves the Party and the State. He must give unlimited obedience to the head of the Party and the State. The penalty for diversion is suffering, imprisonment, and possibly death.


Belief in the existence of God automatically includes belief in supernaturally Good and Evil Spirits which can influence men's minds for Good or Evil purposes. It is the struggle going on for the possession of men's souls that causes the conditions which prevail upon this earth to-day. The power of the Devil was dramatically emphasized when he tempted Christ himself, while he was in the desert preparing himself for his ministry.


Atheists, on the other hand, do not believe in the existence of Supernatural Beings. They argue that God has never been proved to exist. There are many groups of Atheists. True Communists, Grand Orient Masons, Free Thinkers, Members of the League of the Godless, Illuminatists, Nihilists, Anarchists, True Nazi,[2] and the Mafia. Many Godless people subscribe to various forms of Secularism, even if they fight shy of becoming active in the Atheistic Communists and Nazi groups.