>>13626269 Nice font.
One more half line of white space at both
the top and bottom would improve it.
Thanks for watching over us !
Champagne for (You), anon !
For you !
>>13626418 Are you certain ?
Did not Bush/Cheney schedule it well ?
>>13626630 GLADIO !
A gelding is a castrated male horse or other
equine, such as a pony, donkey or a mule.
Castration, as well as the elimination of
hormonally driven behavior associated with
a stallion, allows a male horse to be calmer
and better-behaved, making the animal
quieter, gentler and potentially more
suitable as an everyday working animal.
The gerund and participle "gelding" and the
infinitive "to geld" refer to the castration
procedure itself.
Where do you get the quick .JPG's from ?