Anonymous ID: b27100 May 10, 2021, 12:29 p.m. No.13629699   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Elections Canada preparing to accept, count mail-in ballots received after election day


Elections Canada officials are preparing to accept mailed-in ballots a day after polls close, should an election be held in 2021.


Speaking in the House of Commons, and shared by Blacklock's Reporter, Conservative MP Marilyn Gladu said that with regard to counting ballots after the polls had closed, “many returning officers” told her that the mailed ballots would be accepted after polls closed on a Monday election.


“They think they will count them if they show up by Tuesday,” Gladu said.


Under the current rules outlined in the Canada Elections Act, a vote must be received by the close of polling to be counted. The Liberals, however, are angling to modify the Act through Bill C-19, An Act To Amend The Canada Elections Act, which would grant permission for returning officers to count ballots after polls had closed.


While just over 49,500 mail-in ballots were counted for the 2019 election — generally from those in the military or Canadian citizens living in other countries — the government is anticipating a massive increase in mail-in voting for a potential 2021 election, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


Explaining the necessity to circulate five million mail-in ballots, Privy Council President and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs Dominic LeBlanc said in a letter to the House that “voting by mail would be a key aspect of running a fair election during the pandemic,” while pointing to the “ongoing uncertainty surrounding the pandemic and the myriad ways it could unexpectedly affect the rights of electors to vote safely.”


In British Columbia, where a snap election was held late last year, the province saw a 100-fold increase in mail-in vote requests, bringing the total to 700,000. During the 2017 campaign in the province, just 6,500 requests were received.


Because of the laws in the province, and alongside the sheer number of mail-in votes received, election results were delayed for weeks while counting took place. Results from Newfoundland and Labrador, which also held a provincial election during the pandemic, are currently still mired in controversy.

Anonymous ID: b27100 May 10, 2021, 12:32 p.m. No.13629732   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Trace An Object uploads: fresh leads needed in child sexual abuse cold cases


We are releasing today to the public a series of new Stop Child Abuse – Trace An Object images in an attempt to solve child sexual abuse cold cases.


All six pictures – a t-shirt, a wristband, a bag – have been cropped out of child sexual abuse footage from cases investigators have yet to solve – some of them months old, some years old – before being digitally enhanced and posted online.


Investigators are hoping that certain details in the images might serve as clues and that members of the public will recognise a detail which could down the line lead to a child being rescued from harm.

What do victim identification specialists do?


Victim identification specialists painstakingly go through images and videos frame-by-frame to identify anything that helps with the origin, location or the identity of the victim.


Some things the specialists find are quite simple, like a street sign or a news programme on a TV in the background, but others are harder as offenders are becoming more aware of what law enforcement is looking for. In some cases, investigators have exhausted all the investigative leads and that’s where your help is needed.


Europol’s victim identification specialists take your tips sent in via the Trace An Object platform and work to verify and develop them further. Sometimes, your tips lead us in a definite direction. The information is then sent to the relevant country for further investigation.

Anonymous ID: b27100 May 10, 2021, 12:35 p.m. No.13629743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9777 >>9781

Professor Suspended After Denying Canada is a Racist County and Criticizing BLM


Mount Allison University Professor Rima Azar feels a strong identification to Canada. Born in Lebanon during a civil war, Azar developed a lasting appreciation for the freedoms of Canada, particularly free speech. An accomplished academic in the field of health psychology, she often discusses her views of political and social issues on her personal blog Bambi’s Afkar from her unique perspective. However, she recently ran afoul of an individual who spotted comments denying that Canada is a racist country and criticizing Black Lives Matter as an organization. The individual compiled an array of what was viewed to be objectionable positions and triggered a movement to have Azar fired. In a direct attack on free speech and academic freedom, the University then suspended Azar without pay.


That is a statement that should generate considerable debate and passion on a college campus. That is what higher education once valued in fostering a diversity of viewpoints and perspectives. The response of the students of Mount Allison was to seek to silence and punish Azar rather than respond to her views. To the shock of some academics, like Mark Mercer, head of the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship, the University caved to the demands and suspended Azar. The Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship has also supported Azar against her university.


The targeting of Azar began when she disagreed with local activist Husoni Raymond who denounced New Brunswick as “systemically racist.” Raymond stated in response that it is “[d]isappointing to see a professor who’s still ignorant to what racism is and will be using her power within the institution to uphold racists ideologies. Racism IS in Canada. Racism IS in NB.”


[Notably, Azar was not arguing that there was no racism in Canada but that the country is not “systematically racist,” a point of distinction that has produced other controversies in academia].


Azar then responded to Raymond by saying:


“NB is NOT racist. Canada is NOT racist. We do not have ‘systemic’ racism or ‘systemic’ discrimination. We just have systemic naivety because we are a young country and because we want to save the world.


Oh, one quick question to Mr. Husoni Raymond: Upon your graduation from St. Thomas University, you have been named the 2020 recipient of the Tom McCann Memorial Trophy for your ‘strong leadership and character’ … If NB is as racist as you are claiming, would one of its prestigious universities be honouring you like that?”


Azar also disagreed with statements that Canada remains a “patriarchy” afflicted by rape culture. She suggested that people like her from the Middle East have seen “real rape culture” and perhaps readers might want to consider “ISIS practices in Syria.” She also said that BLM is a radical organization, which is a view shared by many and contested by many others.


We recently discussed the case of a police officer who was fired for calling BLM members “terrorists” on a personal postings. Twitter recently censored criticism of a BLM founder and we have been discussing the targeting of professors who voice dissenting opinions about the Black Lives Matter movement, police shootings, or aspects of the protests around the country from the University of Chicago to Cornell to Harvard to other schools. Students have also been sanctioned for criticism BLM and anti-police views at various colleges. Even a high school principal was fired for stating that “all lives matter.” Each of these controversies raise concerns over the countervailing statements against police or Republicans or other groups.

Anonymous ID: b27100 May 10, 2021, 12:38 p.m. No.13629765   🗄️.is 🔗kun

LAPD’s Topanga Division Station Firebombed in Latest Attack on Law Enforcement


In the latest violent attack on Los Angeles law enforcement, the L.A. Police Department’s Topanga Division station was firebombed with an apparent molotov cocktail early Sunday. Authorities pursued and successfully apprehended the suspect.


An LAPD spokesperson confirmed to Breitbart News that the attack took place at around 12:55 a.m. Sunday morning. The suspect threw a glass bottle containing a flammable liquid at the station’s front window. The act was witnessed by multiple officers who went in pursuit of the attacker.


LAPD has identified the suspect as Jonathan Rosin, 24, a resident of L.A. No physical description of the suspect was available. The spokesperson said it was unknown if anyone was hurt in the incident.


Surveillance video footage appears to show an individual approaching the exterior of the building and throwing an incendiary object at the front of the building.


The incident is the latest violent attack on L.A. area law enforcement in the past 12 months.


Two Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies were shot in an ambush attack while sitting their patrol vehicle in September. The deputies sustained multiple injuries, including shots to the head, but survived the horrific attack.


Authorities later arrested 36-year-old Deonte Lee Murray on suspicion of carrying out the shooting.


An LAPD officer came under gunfire in September in the west San Fernando Valley just as he was coming off duty. The officer was heading home from the West Valley Community Police Station in Reseda when a black SUV opened fire on him.


L.A. city officials have bowed to pressure from the left to defund the police, stripping the LAPD of $150 million from its annual budget.

Anonymous ID: b27100 May 10, 2021, 12:41 p.m. No.13629789   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sasse bill would convert unemployment benefits to a hiring bonus for getting a job


Last week, when the Biden administration released a shocking report showing anemic job growth, many U.S. companies said pandemic unemployment insurance was responsible for creating a labor shortage. In response, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) announced new legislation over the weekend that would incentivize people to go back to work by turning unemployment insurance into a signing bonus for new hires.


In a press statement, Sasse said he will introduce the "National Signing Bonus Act," a bill that would convert unemployment insurance's expanded benefits into a two-month bonus for anyone who goes back to work.


"A year ago, before we had vaccines, expanded unemployment benefits started to pay more than work. The emergency need was real, but the emergency plan was flawed. The emergency UI program is now penalizing people for going back to work," Sasse said.


"Now, as millions of Americans are vaccinated each day, we've got crummy job numbers – 7,400,000 jobs are available but fewer than 300,000 people returned to work last month. We've got to get America and Americans up and running. We need a pro-worker, pro-recovery plan," he added.


Sasse's plan would pay a bonus equal to 101% of current pandemic unemployment insurance benefits through several payments for anyone who demonstrates they found a job and are keeping it. Anyone who gets a job by July 4 would be eligible to receive the payments.


President Joe Biden extended enhanced $300-per-week unemployment benefits through September as part of his $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief plan. Republicans and the U.S. Chamber of Congress have blamed the enhanced benefits for bottlenecking the jobs market by paying people more to be unemployed than they could earn by having a job.

Anonymous ID: b27100 May 10, 2021, 12:45 p.m. No.13629806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9819 >>9834 >>9853 >>9864 >>9880 >>9900 >>0121

Bill Gates known for ‘womanizing,’ naked pool parties, biographer says


Behind his image as a straight-laced tech mogul, Bill Gates was notorious for throwing naked pool parties with strippers and being a “womanizer” — even after meeting future wife Melinda, according to a biography.


The Microsoft co-founder’s wild lifestyle was well known among his inner circle — but newspapers like the New York Times hid the unflattering reports to continue getting “spoon-fed stories,” James Wallace wrote in the 1997 biography, “Overdrive: Bill Gates and the Race to Control Cyberspace.”


They “didn’t report on the wild bachelor parties that Microsoft’s boyish chairman would throw in his Seattle home, for which Gates would visit one of Seattle’s all-nude nightclubs and hire dancers to come to his home and swim naked with his friends in his indoor pool,” Wallace wrote.


It was a continuation from his time at Harvard, where he “did like to frequent Boston’s notorious Combat Zone, with its porn shows, strip joints, and prostitutes,” Wallace wrote.


And Gates’ bachelor lifestyle didn’t end when he started dating future wife Melinda French in 1988, Wallace wrote in the biography, one of two he has penned about Gates.


“He continued to play the field for a while, especially when he was out of town on business, when he would frequently hit on female journalists who covered Microsoft and the company industry,” the author wrote.


“His womanizing was well known, although not well reported,” Wallace wrote, singling out the Times for not wanting “the flow of information to stop” from the computer guru.


Melinda — who last week filed for divorce after 27 years of marriage — “was well aware of Gates’s womanizing” even after they started dating, Wallace insisted.


“Consequently their relationship ran hot and cold,” he wrote, adding that the couple “broke up for nearly a year” because of Gates’ refusal to commit.


“When they got back together again in 1992, however, the relationship grew closer and stronger,” he wrote.

Anonymous ID: b27100 May 10, 2021, 12:47 p.m. No.13629810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9818

Metallica’s James Hetfield Says He’s ‘Skeptical’ Of COVID Vaccine, Slams Vaccine Passports


“But I hope it doesn’t come to a point where you have to have that COVID stamp in your passport or something to go everywhere."


Metallica frontman James Hetfield recently appeared on a podcast and expressed skepticism about aspects of the COVID vaccines, and indicated that he stands in opposition to the use of so-called vaccine passports.


“I have no clue. It’s not up to me. It really is up to the safety of everyone, not just the fans, but the crew and us. I’m not sure what that means in the future as far as vaccines,” Hetfield said. “I’m a little skeptical of getting the vaccine, but it seems to be rolling out and people are getting it and I’ve got lots of friends that have done it.”


“I’m not totally sure about it,” Hetfield continued. “But I hope it doesn’t come to a point where you have to have that COVID stamp in your passport or something to go everywhere. But if it comes down to that, then I’ll make a decision then. We got vaccinated to go to Africa, so it’s not like I’ve never been vaccinated before, but as a kid, I never got vaccinations ’cause of our religion. So that was the only time I got one, when we were going on safari in Africa.”


Hetfield’s comments, though measured, received intense backlash from left-wing activists on social media. The left wing’s hardline stance on mandatory inoculations and vaccine passports has caused much polarization on the issue in recent weeks.


As National File previously reported, Florida governor Ron DeSantis recently signed legislation banning vaccine passports:


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill passed by the state legislature that bans governments and corporations from denying service to customers based on vaccination status.


“I think it’s the evidence-based thing to do,” DeSantis said at Monday’s press conference. “I think folks that are saying that they need to be policing people at this point, if you’re saying that you really are saying you don’t believe in the vaccines, you don’t believe in the data you don’t believe in the science.”


“The legislation creates a default legal presumption that during any emergency our businesses should be free from government mandates to close, and our schools should remain open for in-person instruction for our children,” DeSantis added.

Anonymous ID: b27100 May 10, 2021, 12:50 p.m. No.13629825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9835

Facebook Oversight Board Co-Chair Headlined Top Chinese Communist Party Influence Group’s Conference.


Helle Thorning-Schmidt, a co-chair of Facebook’s Oversight Board, headlined an event hosted by the “public face” of a top Chinese Communist Party influence group flagged by the U.S. government for its efforts to “co-opt and neutralize” opposition to the regime.


One of the board’s four co-chairs, former Prime Minister of Denmark Helle Thorning-Schmidt, has ties to the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front Work Department (UFWD).


The United Front functions as China’s premier influence and propaganda organization, raising flags with the U.S. government’s Economic and Security Review Commission. It seeks to “co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and coerce American leaders “to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies.”


Overwhelmingly comprised of George Soros-linked, left-wing activists, the Facebook Oversight Board recently upheld the platform’s decision to ban former President Donald Trump – a strong source of opposition to the Chinese Communist Party.


Schmidt headlined an event hosted by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), which is led by the daughter of a former Chinese Communist Party paramount leader, regarded as the “public face” of the United Front, and functions as “avowedly an arm of the party-state.” What’s more, the U.S. State Department has described the group as seeking to “directly and malignly influence” U.S. state and local leaders.


Schmidt spoke at the group’s 2017 event “Healthier Future for Children,” a Beijing-based dialogue focusing on the efforts of the United Nations Every Woman Every Child China Partnership Network (EWECCPN).” Alongside Schmidt, CPAFFC Vice President Xie Yuan also spoke at the event.

Anonymous ID: b27100 May 10, 2021, 12:53 p.m. No.13629836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9840

Voters Mailed Ballots With Incorrect Names, Faulty Instructions For Completion.


A municipal election in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania is experiencing a mix-up with thousands of mail-in ballots.


Of the 25,500 mail-in ballots requested so far, 2,700 have contained instructions meant for a different county.


“They said that their instructions told them they did not need to pay for postage. However their return envelope said they did need to pay for postage,” Chief clerk and chief registrar of the Lancaster County Board of Elections and Registration Commission Christa Miller said. The county attributes the mistake to the vendor Michigan Election Resources, which also sent ballots containing return envelopes with names differing from the intended recipient.


“We’re as unhappy as the voters are with what’s going on,” Miller said before revealing the office is still receiving and counting the tainted ballots.

Anonymous ID: b27100 May 10, 2021, 12:57 p.m. No.13629862   🗄️.is 🔗kun

C_A getting the DOinJ to spin a cover story


US State Dept Says Islamic State May Be Responsible for Bombing of Afghan Girls School


The Islamic State* terror group may be behind the recent bombing of a girls’ school in the Afghan capital Kabul, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said on Monday.


"The circumstances of the bombing over the weekend, they are not yet crystal clear… there are some indications this may have been attributable to ISIS and not the Taliban," Price told reporters.


Price noted that the bombing bears similarity to other Islamic State attacks against Shia targets in Kabul.


Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on Sunday called a bombing of a girls’ school in the country’s capital Kabul an act of terrorism and a crime against humanity and called on the Taliban to stop killing innocent Afghans.


The Taliban has denied responsibility for the attack, Price said.


On Saturday, a car bomb went off outside the Sayed-ul-Shuhada school in a Shia-majority neighborhood in western Kabul followed by two more blasts. The attack claimed at least 63 lives and left over 150 wounded.

Anonymous ID: b27100 May 10, 2021, 1:32 p.m. No.13630037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0047

Night Round Of Shelling On Israel Continues. Number Of Casualties In Gaza Grows (Videos 18+)


The Iron Dome is intercepting more missiles launched from Gaza towards the area of Israeli Ashkelon. The​ IDF have recently deployed several more batteries in the south and bolstered it with more radars and launchers.

Anonymous ID: b27100 May 10, 2021, 1:34 p.m. No.13630050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0163

University of Miami to Pay $22 Million to Settle Claims Involving Medically Unnecessary Laboratory Tests and Fraudulent Billing Practices

Anonymous ID: b27100 May 10, 2021, 1:41 p.m. No.13630085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0086 >>0092 >>0109 >>0221

Biden: Unemployment benefits are not causing a labor shortage. Also, if you don't take a job offer, you'll lose your benefits


President Joe Biden denied Monday that the generous federal unemployment benefits were a contributing factor to Friday's disappointing jobs report while at the same time clarifying that anyone who has been offered a "suitable job" must take the job or lose their benefits.


The president delivered remarks on the economy Monday at the White House after a Friday jobs report stunned economists who had predicted the U.S. economy would add nearly 1 million jobs in April, only to find out only 266,000 jobs were created and the unemployment rate actually rose from 6% to 6.1%.


"Let's be clear, our economic plan is working," Biden insisted, noting that since he took office in January more than 1.5 million jobs have been created in the U.S. as the country reopens from COVID-19 lockdown policies and business restrictions. "I never said and no serious analysis ever suggested that climbing out of the deep deep hole that our economy was in would be simple, easy, immediate or perfectly studied."


Republicans and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce blamed the lackluster jobs numbers on the $300-per-week unemployment insurance benefits generously offered in the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package that passed in March. The benefits, which critics say pay unemployed people more than they would earn if they found a job, were extended through September under the Biden plan.


Biden explained Monday that anyone currently collecting unemployment insurance is liable to lose their benefits if they are offered a job but refuse to take it.


"Anyone collecting unemployment who is offered a suitable job must take the job or lose their unemployment benefits," Biden said, adding that there are some COVID-19-related "exceptions."


BREAKING: President Biden says "anyone collecting unemployment who is offered a suitable job must take the job or l…

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911)1620670082.0


Responding to his critics, Biden said "we don't see much evidence" of people being paid to stay home rather than go to work.


"It's easy to say, the line has been, because of the generous unemployment benefits that is a major factor in labor shortages. Americans want to work," Biden said. "I think the people who claim Americans won't work even if they find a good and fair opportunity underestimate the American people."


The president announced several actions his administration will take to distribute economic aid from his coronavirus relief package and hopefully spur job growth.


The U.S. Treasury Department will begin to send state and local governments more than $350 billion in bailout funds to cover their budget deficits and rehire about 1.8 million government employees who were laid off during the pandemic, including teachers, first responders, sanitation workers, and other essential workers. The administration is also beginning to send relief checks to some 16,000 restaurants who applied for assistance.

Anonymous ID: b27100 May 10, 2021, 1:57 p.m. No.13630193   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Antrim County Court Hearing Concludes After 3 Hours — Judge Will Announce His Ruling on Tuesday, May 18


Michigan Attorney Matthew DePerno was back in court on Monday afternoon.


The live-stream of the court hearing is running on YouTube.


Attorney Matthew DePerno filed his latest findings in the Circuit Court for Antrim County on Friday. DePerno told the court on Monday that he has proof now of the voter fraud and requested the court to allow him to broaden his investigation.


The local judge heard arguments on whether to dismiss a lingering 2020 election lawsuit or to allow Attorney DePerno to expand his lawsuit.


Of course, Democrat attorneys are arguing to end the case. There are at least SIX Attorneys for the state in the hearing today representing the far-left Secretary of State.


The hearing concluded at around 4:14 Eastern Time.


They are to reconvene Tues.May 18, at which time the judge will rule on standing.

Anonymous ID: b27100 May 10, 2021, 2:19 p.m. No.13630343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0347 >>0351 >>0354 >>0401

“This is a Private Sector Decision” – WH Officials Say They Have Not Offered Advice to Colonial Pipeline on Whether to Pay Ransom to Hackers


The Biden Administration believes cyberterrorism that prompted the largest refinery to shut down two crude units, paralyzing gas distribution, is a “private sector decision.”


White House officials on Monday said they have not offered advice to Colonial Pipeline on whether to pay ransom to hackers who shut down a vital US pipeline.


“This is a private sector decision,” Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technologies Anne Neuberger said in response to a reporter asking if the White House is offering any advice to Colonial Pipeline.


Incompetent, insane people are running this country.


The largest US refinery shut two crude units in Port Arthur, Texas this weekend after hackers caused the Colonial Pipeline to shut down.


According to the FBI, the “DarkSide” hacker gang began attacking the pipeline operator on Friday and stole massive amounts of data.


“The FBI confirms that the Darkside ransomware is responsible for the compromise of the Colonial Pipeline networks. We continue to work with the company and our government partners on the investigation,” the “premier” law enforcement agency said in a statement on Monday.


The FBI lies about everything so who really knows where this cyberattack is coming from.


“According to Boston-based Cybereason, DarkSide is an organized group of hackers set up along the “ransomware as a service” business model, meaning the DarkSide hackers develop and market ransomware hacking tools, and sell them to other criminals who then carry out attacks. Think of it as the evil twin of a Silicon Valley software start-up.” – CNBC reported.


“Typical ransom demands range from $200,000 to $20 million, and Cybereason says the hackers gathered detailed intelligence on their victims, learning the size and scope of the company as well as who the key decision-makers are inside the firm.” – CNBC said.


But according to the Biden White House, this cyberattack is a “private sector” problem even though it affects gas distribution in 1/3 of the country.