He posts it every thread. I say he but I mean xe
Shut the fuck up jew, everyone can see through your inorganic horseshit
Now the subverter is shitting on Christians. Whoa didn't see that one coming!
So you're victim blaming then, that's smart
Did you ever think that maybe you are the ball sucker?
Is that the same line you've been using for years? This low energy shit is depressing
Wow you're doing great
Like I told you last time, I'm not jewish. You have like one trick and it's lame
You literally have to make up your enemies when people here have already had to deal with MOS and JIDF and Hasbara app spammers (like you) you fucking suck at your job
Let this sink in cunt: everyone here already knows what you claim to know. Anyone worth half a dog's dick can tell you about the Balfour Declaration and the hidden hand behind everything. What the fuck do you do retard? You just say jew, you just say kike, you just say nigger. STEP IT UP YOU FAGGOT FUCK AND TRY LEARNING SOMETHING
You literally just post whatever random halfchan memes you've scooped up over the last months. You even had that faggot that wore the pig mask and would show his asshole
I was wondering where the dumbfuck that spammed those soyboy images on halfchan went, looks like they relocated your faggot loser ass here KEK you gonna be here all the time? I'll break you in easy
I don't believe you hate jews "anon" name the top 3 worst jews of all time
Those are called anons, cunt
No. Fame fags use names or avatars, like Gary the Cum Lover. Anons have been checking digits for a very very long time. DUMBASS
So name 3
You're like a rabid retard. Look here cunt, this is how you name 3 >>13633379
>memes are for all
I don't know who the fuck that is
He gets a pass
Just name 3. I did it, another anon did it. It's easy
Jon Snow is Azor Ahai reborn, did you know that? Shame the fat fuck will never finish those books
37 posts and you can't name 3 jews
I got one guy calling me a jew and now another anon (the fucking baker) calling me some literal who. Weird night but appropriate
>Read Real Raw News.
>I am not sure about him pushing for the vaccine though.
Same reason Ivanka "got" the vaccine. Surface level bullshit is very important and usually works
Oh so you don't get it?
>The hype over the "vaccine" is no different than the hype over the "disease."
Wrong. The vaccine is actually dangerous
No because people are dying and babies are being aborted