Sell the Bitch's car, and buy yourself a cool guitar.
Follow the "stars"
Do what they tell you to do.
The "stars" and the celebs know what is best for you. They are very wise and care about your health. We're All In This Together.
Right after 9/11 everyone went out and filled their gas tanks for some reason. I don't know why. But there were long lines at the gas stations. And people driving around with full sized flags on their cars. I guess that is all they could think of to do.
What vaccine is this poster referring to?
This is a timeline of the development of prophylactic human vaccines. Early vaccines may be listed by the first year of development or testing, but later entries usually show the year the vaccine finished trials and became available on the market. Although vaccines exist for the diseases listed below, only smallpox has been eliminated worldwide. The other vaccine-preventable illnesses continue to cause millions of deaths each year.[1] Currently, polio and measles are the targets of active worldwide eradication campaigns.
1989 – First vaccine for Q fever
Everyone is here. All of the 3 letter agencies. Sleepers everywhere. How to draw out the sleepers.
Them too. But they don't get our jokes.
The 3 Stooges of Congress