What do you fuck heads want?
What year is this shit going to be done?
Lets see those tits gretchen.
Tulsi sucks my dick.
Gretchen fucks my dick too.
You suck jew cock.
Yeah jew cock.
Yeah we get it they rape kids and kill and eat them fuckin niggers
This dude is a good speaker. Free energy nigger
Do you have sexy tits or no?
You want some kisses?
I think if they were on fire they would be even hotter. Like totally smokin.
Losers do drive yellow sports cars.
Fuck this shit post some fat tits.
Fuck off nigger
Jesus loves pence
Nah jesus loves pence
Pot head fucker
Youve got some splanin to do.
Stop projecting now.
Are all you fags uncoordinated geeks that lack any physical skills and spent your whole fucking computers?
You really think so?
I smell bacon.
>>13634105 Without your computer you are nothing.
Youre full of shit.
I going to put it this way for you. You are a geek. I am not.
Bank account ≠ computer
You are a tit toting female who frequents qresearch.
Is your point Trump put more of Americans money back in their pocket and less in the hands of globalist thief's?
Freedom bitch
Love you nigger
hey check out this nigger
Youre cute when you're angry.
Anybody got some femmilk? Asking for a friend.
What what yes boris gets blown up. What sbout it.
Tear the fuckin temples down.
Where niggers at?
Het lurkers whats good?
Who wore it better?
Hey Donny I want a pardon. Deals can be made dont lie. I will stop spamming promise.
God bless you too. Now do a pardon please.
You are forgiven brother.