Palestinian youth set on fire, in Al Lid, to an Israeli praying place. I think it's called a synagogue, right?
Beirut anons asking anons if there is a Q post mentioning the sword, dating from 2 days till now = time frame?
it's the other way around. Palestinians are using molotov and rocks
Thank you very much fren.
See the Palestinian Jihadist called their military operation: Sword of Jerusalem. I thought it was a weird name.
It was just announced that Bibi is going arrive soon at Al Lid.
What you say anons = will he chicken out and stop the visit, go back home? He's a coward after all.
Israeli police started to use live amo during the clashes in Em el Fahem.
Anons, ever since the clashes started, most Israeli forces are not wearing masks. Suddenly it became safe for them to clash with the Palestinians without any masks on. Covid disappeared. Oh the Irony of it all!