Anons, I just was shopping in a small supermarket (Europe).
I have to wear a mask in order to shop for food.
Today I wore just a cloth mask bc I forgot my "medicinal" mask at home.
The sales person felt emboldened to reprimand me that this isn't allowed and couldn't stop taking out all her pent-up(?) anger at me.
There is no chance that people will awaken.
Even if it would be made clear tomorrow that we all were lied to about the CV, these people would never allow themselves to admit that they were lied to.
Because then they would have to admit that they lashed out self righteously at others for no reason.
When Q said:"you have to show them",
what was their plan?
Nobody is shown anything.
Those who are lied to have no obvious reason to believe that they are lied to
because they take their "truths" from MSM and MSM is still the only powerful entity to tell the people what to think ("think"…).
Do people wake up? I don't think so.
People get unnerved with mask wearing and everything,
but they do not unite against their oppressors,
but instead lash out at their fellow men.
How long will we have to endure this ongoing division?