'must choose'
'common cause'
your rhetoric gives you away
that you don't know how you are obvious shows you to be exactly what I'm talking about.
"Make me have common cause . . .
so I can be won with everything"
"you MUST make the false choice"
"Wait for it . . .
here comes another one . . . "
all of these are almost video game banter dialogs.
or if you stand on the street you'll hear it name dropped.
then suddenly there they are dianetting whoever happens buy.
'join our common cause and come and become a Sea vessel goer and be a slave for humities future in the most scientfic of ways possible, and
share all your gold with us
so El Ro can live forever cause he's your
gurugee now!
I mean maybe the corporate culture encouraged the cults of the 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s?
they had messages like 'do not remove this tag under penalty of law!'
or you'd get a punch card and it demanded that you 'do not fold, spindle, or mutilate'
or 'remember to flause'
'chairs must be returned and stacked at the back of the auditorium' . . . at the end of the class.
or other voices of 'authority' demanding that you dot all your tees and cross all your jays.
so some people would here that whole 'oh come join, sign here, give us your stuff' message and think 'I'm sure that when the comet comes we'll all shed this mortal coil and go join the pleading Dions , Doo wapp de wap
this is a coven spell banter between shill bots
it's using operational phrasing to try and get under your skin.
filter at will.
Biden is not 'in power'
he is a titular figure in an office that traditionally does seem to have it however, given current conditions it seems more as if it's being utlized as a sieve to test those who think that they are in control, see how far they go and how subhuman they behave, and then, at the end of it, confront them with their inhumanity.
your assumption of 'fall guy' doesn't make sense.
the narrative, I thought, was that he is part of it and it will all come out eventually.
they were just as much targets of blackmail as anyone else.
they probably have no choice, have had no choice, for a very long time.
Hecules and Poseidon were different people.
we are not all the same person, anon.
we are all individuals.
you can not be two people at once.
I get the 'everyman' nature you try to convey, but people have to live in reality, and living in a meta reality isn't a good way to interact.
you are not both people at once.
you're only focusing on the United States
zoom out and see a wider picture.
the stars of their heaven are showering down all around them.
I've studied comparative delusion for most of my life.
as a professor they might call the field 'comparative religion'
go ahead and filter.
the mentality of this kind of post:
it's not a movement, it's puppet people.
how can they not understand that Mr. Trump is part of it and not all of it?
these guys are trying to move a boat from Pennsylvania to New Hampshire to use on the lake this season, to replace an older boat.
It'd be cool if Army could test out their helicopter rigs and see how far they could carry that boat so it could float over all the regulations and the 'with their hands out' regulators of the various juris-shakedowns inbetween (and far too much regulation).
Well, I thought, when I read the story, if they could just get it to the deleware river and put in there, and then go the sea route to Portsmouth.
but then how do they get it to the lake?
Seems as though there ought to be a mitigator who has special authority to hire the crews needed to clear the roads as the boat prgressed on it's overland journey.
a helicopter that just picks it up and carries it to the lakes region of New Hampshire would do the trick!
for the cause of freeing up the lanes of commerce.
more boats might then be purchased.
It's not my boat.
It's a news story.
I was just trying to get it there in a conjectorial way and then hope it just happens . . .
I'm not connected to those folks and don't even know them.