Reminder 👀 :
THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
much love and many blessings
Reminder 👀 :
THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
much love and many blessings
Is Arizona still counting?
Does Arizona still count?
Define "nothing" …
The absence of "something" ?
The count shows exactly the same numbers as after the count right after the election ?
More bad players getting exposed for the fraud ?
Ain't not no nothing imho …
blessings and love anon
Ein kleiner Hinweis für die Clowns in Bad Godesberg:
ALLES wird aufgezeichnet. Auch Eure plumpen Versuche eine Zensur auszuführen.
Inclusive Metadaten.
§5 GG Freie Meinungsbildung und freie Meinungsäußerung. "Eine Zensur findet nicht statt." Das gibt für mich eine Kompensation für die jeder von Euch bezahlen wird. Teuer.
English :
A little hint for the Clowns in
Bad Godesberg:
EVERYTHING is being recorded. Even your lame attempts to censor. Including Metadata.
§5 GrundGesetz (like 1A in USA). Free aquisition of Information and free speech. "There is no censoring." (last sentence of that paragraph). That will make a fine compensation for me from rach one of you. Expensive.
Danke für Eure Aufmerksamkeit.
Thank you for your attention.
many blessings and much love for patriots worldwide
pew pew