noting who is mentioned on the end.
the fans of that give out this message.
hate and destruction and condemnation
are what you do.
that and mocking with copy pasta.
noting who is mentioned on the end.
the fans of that give out this message.
hate and destruction and condemnation
are what you do.
that and mocking with copy pasta.
when ever they discuss Jesus Christ they always put him in vengence mode and then brag boast about their real heroes.
who they mentioned with three names!!
if they have to bribe people to take it, that should be a clear message not from me, but from the millions who are saying that the vaccine is bunk.
I don't hear cricketts, but it's pretty quiet in here right now.
Mammy Kammy, President of her Imagination
bragging about being an apostle of Christ seems to be a bunch of different things.
and then confirmation shills putting out operational memes. . .
seriously no one buys the shill teams fake Christianity.
I have no way of knowing, anon.
if she aint really her, if it's an op?
my guess here has always been that all this MIL stuff is done in a way where it can always be denied. And those who insist to know what 'really happened' can always be called incorrect.
Did you ever see the film Braveheart?
slight rewrite on that: those who insist that they know what 'really happened' can always be called incorrect. not 'insisted to know' in the sense of 'insisted on being told what happened'.
not that they need to be told.
and "those who say do not know and those who know do not say"
clearly shill team is just running the copy pasta scripts and there are not any assisting shills . . .
when have you ever been cool?
that's a joke.
if you know that then meditate and clear your mind of the anger.
go back to bed or take an early nap.
eat a good breakfast.
people, this is a rare moment.
the shills are missing.
they have their copy pasta bots running, but the KYS shill , etc, seems gone.
could it be that stuff that we hear in the news effects the participants on this board?
the bot assist script that floods the copy pasta spam is usually assisted by a live team or person.
the copy pasta bot part seems here, correct. But are you sure the assistent is still live?
no jokes about the undead . . .
I posted this and cricketts.
Usually I'd get a response when I ping their fake-Jack-in-the-box smiling Jesus the Avenger.