For millennia Islam has been at the forefront of all that has been sinister and evil. The beginnings of Islam started out bloody and vicious. Islam from its inception has been and has always been a political ideology. Islam is not a so called religion nor a Faith.
The Sinister and Evil History of Islam:
In the Seventh Century A.D. Mohammedanism swept the Eastern World like a tidal wave and blotted out Christianity throughout Southwest Asia and North Africa. Even the Euphrates River Valley and the Nile River Valley. Also throughout the Mediterranean Region as well. We have to remember this all happened after the Birth, Death, Burial, and Resurrection of The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Yeshua. For 600 years both Hebrew-Jews and Christians fell to the Sword of the Mohammedans.
From 570 to 632 A.D. in Mecca, Arabia was founded upon the self -declaration of being a “Prophet of God” by Mohammed sent forth his army to conquer. His “religion” was by the Sword. Soon after Arabia was under the rule of the Mohammedan Forces.
Syria fell in 634 A.D., Jerusalem fell in 637 A.D., Egypt fell in 638 A.D., Persia 640 A.D. North Africa fell in 689 A.D, and Spain fell in 711 A.D. Throughout Africa and Asia Christianity was swept away like the wind.
France soon after became The Battleground of all Battlegrounds. Tours, France was the epicenter of The Battleground. With Charles Martel, grandfather of Charlemagne defeated the Mohammedan Forces. This was one of the World’s most deceive battles, later to become known as The Battle of the Ages. Without that Victory, Christianity might have been exterminated from the face of the Earth.
Here are some clues to the potential future Army of the Antichrist to come.
The 5th Trumpet spoken of in Revelation.
“Locust” Rev. 9:3 Arabia pre-eminently, was a land of Locusts. It was Arabia that Mohammedanism originated. War-like Horses (9:7-10): Fierce, Relentless Horsemen, famous for their beards, hair like Women’s hair, Teeth like a lion, Breastplates as of Iron,
Wings that sounded like chariots, and Horses rushing to War.
Wearing Yellow Turbans on their Heads making them look like gods of gold with Coats of Iron Armor.
Skip ahead a few centuries to the Armenian Genocide. Brutal rape and torture of both men and women, but mostly women. Muslims of Islam even crucified Armenian Women on Crosses.
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Islam is not a “Religion of Peace” folks. Islam orders the death of those who do not submit to the Quran and the teachings of Mohammad.
You can visit this site if you want to see some UNCENSORED ISLAMIC TORTURE photos.