fuck the corpse of the west.
the west fell long ago.
the jews were consumed and subsumed by the nephilim long ago.
one wonders that of all the rabbit holes explored… no anon has done a write up on q's persian affiliations.
allll bullshit.
God is [Q]uite happy with things on earth atm…
nothing can stop what is coming.
there is only One Plan.
moooaaarrrr bullshit.
meth..its a helluva drug.
cnn indeed.
see below.
flow or flood of bullshit.
''the ability to differentiate between imagination and reality is key.
there is no time before [my] time.
trés hopeful
>shortage will be turned into a shitty argument for more spending on "environmentally friendly/renewable energy" type things. It'll really just pump stocks senators hold while the fed keeps buying up shit bonds from corporations.
<thinking they are abit further along in their "planning" than that.
<<perhaps plotting is a better word…
the dying will start in earnest soon enough.
<perhaps then you will be satisfied.
MbS will have a say in this yet… mark well.