>The result is while the audit:
>- CAN say the election results are bad
>- it CAN'T say what the correct results are.
>only possible fair resolution would be another go around
>WITH better security / control / oversight
>but more likely they will only take it as advice for 2024.
>(too hard, too expensive, still got the dreaded coviditus hanging around.)
>sorry people - as much as we (me included) wanted it: no Trump comeback here.
In normal times I would say this is what they'd go with, the "better luck next time" shit.
If more states do this and find similar results AND the public becomes more aware (we KNOW the military is already aware) then we are in a different ball game.
After all, We already know from the local news report that the DS was prepping us for gas shortages this summer, but something has forced them to accelerate this to the spring.