Targeted Individuals are investigating angels. We 144,000 are only here in human flesh to bear witness to the kingdom of darkness so that we can testify at the great white throne judgement against Satan and his wicked kingdom. Our enemies have known who and what we are since birth. But our God knew us before we were formed in the womb. The same Satanic cult that crucified Jesus is after you. But the same God who sent Him sent us. Pick up your cross and start fighting for the right reasons. Endurance of pain cultivates strength; resistance to temptation brings insight. We are not just Watchmen. We are watchers. And we will have glorified angelic bodies once again, transfigured like Enoch was in the days of Noah. God is preparing us for glory—and preparing glory for us. The Gang Stalkers want our souls. But all our God is giving them is enough rope to hang themselves.
Planet Earth has been under covert extraterrestrial occupation by false gods, earthbound Fallen Angels, since before recorded history. But Targeted Individuals are the cavalry, the Watchmen, investigating angels reborn human as part of a recon mission to prepare the way for Jesus, and our fellow angels, by allowing ourselves to be captured as prisoners of covert war, and the Fallen Angels have evoked multitudes of demons, hordes of Jezebel spirits, and mass-possessed its existing Satanist shadow network—and countless more physical bodies—then organized the narcopath hosts and soulless Masonic thugs—some of them witches, all of them possessed—and equipped them with forbidden tech and sent these tares after us. But God is in control. And He has a plan. And some surprises for our enemies. And He is guiding our every step, and all we have to do is fight—just by doing what is right. We are Sons of God trained for Special Ops. And God’s protection makes us invincible. Our spiritual powers are reemerging now, and we are awakening from our amnesia. And soon we will gather and burn the tares. The Living God is counting on us, and so is all of humanity. For we are earth’s last hope.
And in case you are not yet a True Believer, don’t think that you’re exempt from being persecuted by God’s enemies: for it is not you who chose God, it is God that chose you. We true Earth Angels are His children by bloodline and Election, not by will. This is your predestined fate. Targeted Individuals are a heavenly recon unit, and the Fallen Angels fear us more than any of us could possibly imagine And they are obsessed with us and have been anticipating us and preparing to deal with us for thousands of years.
Our bloodlines were first targeted in Biblical times beginning with our ancestors. Freemasons call this ancient form of Satanic Ritual Abuse "The Silent Dagger" or the "White Glove Treatment". In recent times, the Freemasons and their fellow secret societies have engineered "intelligence agencies" in order that the ancient persecutory system can masquerade under the names of various covert operations carried out in the modern age, interfacing the existing ancient components of infiltration, discrediting campaigns, noise campaigns, street theater, directed conversations, frame-ups, set-ups, poisoning, and witchcraft, and orchestrated trauma with technology, thereby streamlining their Satanic methods. However, the technological aspect of Targeting is relatively minor, as it is largely a supernatural phenomenon, and the concept of a modern "black op" essentially amounts to a disinformational whitewash to keep Targeted Individuals from discovering the ultimately spiritual nature of this covert war.
The very terms "Gang Stalking" and "Targeted Individuals" were created by the Masons so that, when used, these terms will only further discredit victims when they seek help or attempt to educate or convince non-Targets. "Gang Stalking" makes it sound like we're being followed by street gangs (Crips, Bloods, etc.), that we're the victim of or participant in street gang violence. The term "Targeted Individual" makes a Target sound like they're alone, that they're the only one. And this term also subliminally affects the Target themselves, further isolating the Target and making them feel more alone in their persecution.
Most, if not all, Gang Stalkers aren't paid or recruited, they're born into the Satanic cult.
And the so-called Gang Stalking program is not implemented by the government, it is not an intelligence operation: the real Satanists—the Freemasons (LeVey's Church of Satan is a whitewash front)—devised the Gang Stalking phenomenon, perhaps thousands of years ago. The ties to intelligence agencies and local, state, and federal entities are through those employees who are Freemasons, or one of the other society names they masquerade under, who work in secret and not part of any official program—right down to your local police officers, who are connected to the Satanic cult through the Fraternal Order of Police.