I think President Trump would very, very quickly (in a matter of days) be recognized as US President again if he disavowed and renounced the "COVID" bioweaponized virus and vaccines.
The above video leads me to think that once the details of Fauci's genocidal and likely treasonous actions in conjunction with China plus the knowledge that the US GOVERNMENT has patents on the "spike protein" bioweapon is known world wide, the entire earth will want justice. Americans need to 100% renounce the vaccines, our failed and treasonous 3 letter agencies, and the COVID bioweapon, imo. Since the development of the weaponized spike proteins predates the Trump administration (according to the above information) I think this is a "shadow government" operation. Meaning that if Trump were recognized as duly elected President and moved against what I call the "vaccine pogrom" our country and the world might get a reprieve from the possible mass death events that could surely follow the vaccination of yet millions more with a bioweapon.
Injecting the satanic Pfizer jab into children is the final straw in allowing the deep state apparatus to control this country, imo.