Anonymous ID: 02224c May 14, 2021, 7 a.m. No.13659360   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A New Pennsylvania Election Report and Petition for Audit


Pennsylvania State Representative Seth Grove released ‘A Comprehensive Review of Pennsylvania’s Election Laws: How Pennsylvania Can Guarantee Rights and Integrity in Our Election System’ based on state election hearings held between January and April. The testimony from election officials and experts was intended to identify and fix any problems with the voting system and the 84-year-old laws that govern it.


In Grove’s press release, he wrote, “Elections must be held to the highest integrity while also being accessible to all legal voters. House Republicans stand ready to improve our antiquated election laws, aid local election officials, and ensure it is easy to vote but hard to cheat.” He continued discussing the results of the inquiry, “Through expert testimony, we found numerous flaws within Pennsylvania’s election code and with its implementation. This report will lead to comprehensive legislative fixes to the numerous systemic problems, which have led many voters to distrust election results.”


After the election but before the inauguration, Rudy Giuliani joined the Senate Majority Policy Committee of Pennsylvania for a hearing on election irregularities at the request of Republican Senator Doug Mastriano. Patrick Howley’s live-tweeting summarizes witness testimony that included retired Army Colonel Phil Waldron, who specialized in Information Warfare and Psychological Operations. Waldron described sudden vote ‘spikes’ that he says accounted for 570,000 votes for Biden but only 3,200 for Trump, followed by viral videos of gasps from the crowd. Other testimony included claims of hand-duplicated ballots and the fact that Republican poll watchers were restricted, but it resulted in no change to the election results. (HIT) compiles available crowdsourced information that may be admissible in court as evidence of anomalies and legal issues in the 2020 Presidential Election. The data is sortable and filterable by state, type of evidence, admissibility, and more. Their roundup of Pennsylvania evidence includes irregularities found through state transparency initiative OpenDataPA. The publicly available ballot data is downloadable and shows the life cycle of every mail-in and absentee ballot in Pennsylvania. HIT says there are a total of 191,725 mail-in ballots “touched by alterations, illegality, or anomalies according to” Analyzing that data has led to the video below where 23,000+ ballots were marked ‘Received’ before ‘Mailed’ along with other apparent irregularities. Election night coverage has also been used in an attempt to show irregularities.

