thanks Baker!
>trying to setup a false flag to get the board taken down.
Same Jewish "SCARE you" excuse that Jewish shills have been kvetching for 3 1/2 years.
Tactic: Don't say anything about Jewish Cabal criminality or the "board will get shut down", and "the (Jewish) MSM will say this board is racist, and cause a false flag."
JIDF is on duty.
Why do you Jew shills post the same fugly shit to a Qresearch board non-stop for three years.
You're doing a great job of reminding the World watching why they kicked your Jewish asses out of every single country.
Only a Jew would call TRUTH about Jewish Cabal criminality "bigotry".
The World is not falling for your Jewish trick anymoar.
Benjamin Fulford Part 2
Also last week a strong push by the White Dragon Society and their allies to set up a meritocracy-based planning organization, to help navigate humanity toward a better future, has flushed out a powerful and ancient secret society straight from a Dan Brown novel. This society contacted us after we approached the BIS, the central bank of central banks in Switzerland. This is the legendary…
Priory of Sion, which claims to date back to 1099 and from there to ancient Babylon.
They even have a website.
Here is some of what they say about themselves:
The Merovingians are a line of Kings descended from a sea monster resembling a dragon. A myth was created to pass down very essential knowledge designed to unravel the ancient origins of the Merovingians, which go back to ancient Babylon.
The sea monster described in the legend is an ancient representation of Nimrod, who built the Tower of Babel and ruled Babylon.
They are ruled by a Grand Master, who is and always will be the highest spiritual authority and the sovereign of the Order. There is NO position senior to this and never will be.
This group also claims that previous Grand Masters included Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Sandro Filipepi, Robert Boyle, and Michel de Nostredame. The current “Grand Master” is Marco Rigamonti.
Below the grandmaster is, “The Sacred Council of the 13 Rose-Croix [of the] Sacred Merovingian Order of the Priory of Sion (Prieuré de Sion).”
We assume this council of 13 represents the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati. They also claim documentary evidence going back to the twelfth century that identifies the Holy Grail with the Real Blood of Jesus.
So basically we have a cult claiming it is reptilian in origin, which dates back to ancient Babylon and is led by descendants of Jesus Christ.
The problem is this cult has started two World Wars and killed countless millions of people in order to realize a delirious dream where “a descendant of Jesus Christ,” would rule all of humanity from Mt. Zion i.e. Jerusalem. Don’t forget, the god of the temple they plan to build is known to us as Baal, Molech, Set, or Satan.
The ouster of Benjamin Netanyahu (or whoever controlled his avatar) from power in Israel has been a big victory for humanity. Now Israeli newspapers are reporting his secret partner in the ongoing attempt to start Armageddon, aka World War III, Ayatollah Khameini of Iran is dying of prostate cancer.
We also note a recent attempt to cover up the secret alliance between Israel and Iran, Swiss diplomat Sylvie Brunner, who represented U.S. and Israeli interests in Iran, plunged to her death last week after she was summoned to Switzerland to testify about Secret U.S.-Israeli connections with Iran, according to U.S. naval intelligence and other sources.
We also took note of an attempt by Hillary Clinton, or whoever controls her avatar, to justify the fake Biden regime in the U.S.
“Hillary” talks about a “threat to democracy,” from “alternative realities.” (We assume she is referring to a reality where everybody is not vaccinated and issued mark of the beast vaccine passports).
She also says the Trump administration represented “wholesale jettisoning of…boundaries for our leaders to operate within.” So we have a “democracy” where leaders have “boundaries” set by who?
“Hillary” also says:
“There’s no doubt that the Chinese are basically making the…case that democracy is messy, things take too long, people are in and out of office, and there’s no continuity. You can’t have the kind of fixed goals that can be moved forward in a socially cohesive way, therefore choose us. We are facing that struggle.”
The real struggle, of course, is that the satanic cult she represents gutted Western democracy and allowed unbridled greed to destroy Western economies.
^^^^^^Look at this and consider the nerve of the fucking Israeli Jewish shills constantly shilling this board.
Fuck 'em.
Every single country that you Jews have ever migrated to.
Fuck off you stupid retard.
"Anti-Semitism, it's a Trick. We always use it."
Shulamit Aloni
former Israeli Minister
WHY Were Jews Kicked Out Of 132 Countries?
Even with the hundreds of Jewish "Holocaust" movies and TV shows that Jews have spewed upon us, no Jew has ever asked the Question:
WHY? For What Reason?
WHY did nearly Every Single Country that Jews migrated to Expel the Jews?
One would think that if these 132 countries were simply "anti-semitic", then Hollywood, Schools, Publishers and MSM would be screaming LOUDLY from the rooftops:The Jews were kicked out of 132 Countries for No Reason!!
and yet…… Not a single Jew has proclaimed the Jews' innocence.
*Not one Spielberg Hollywood Blockbuster movie has been made showing how the Jews did nothing bad to their host countries, and that those nasty 132 countries kicked the Jews out without justification.
Surely such a movie or book would win every Award known to man, and end the so-called "jew-hate" once and for all, if any Jew could show that the Jews were kicked out without justification.Out of 132 Countries.
Yet, the 120+ Jewish Lobby groups, and Jew owned Hollywood, MSM, Publishers, Educational system have never addressed this major Question -
WHY Did 132 Countries Expel The Jews after the Jews lived in the Host Nation for years?
In the 2020 TV show "HUNTERS" about an old and a young Jew who are Nazi Hunters, in one scene the two are at a Jewish wedding.The old Jew Meyer asks the young Jew to say a prayer… the old Jew says : "these rituals are the reason that Jews have been persecuted for centuries"……
This is Hollywood Propaganda claiming that the "reason" that Jews have been detested and kicked out of 132 host countries for centuries is because "Jews say a prayer at a wedding"?Really, Jews Dindu Nuffin, ever?
All the Jewish shills on this board attack any Truth posted about the Massive Jewish Organized Subversion of America with the Ad Hominem screaming "jew hate", "bigot, "division",etc.
Well, WHY? Cause and effect, so what caused every host nation to kick Jews out?
The Question that no Jew dares to ask is:
==WHAT Did Jews Do To Get Kicked Out?
==No Jew wants to talk about the reasons…..wonder WHY?
*Note-the 132 Countries is based on a Chart provided by another anon Post No. 10162397
*Chart: Jews Expelled From Samaria in 733 B.C. to the U.A.E. 1948 A.D.
You've never heard of the Jewish Bakers who set up their own privately Jew-controlled board Midnight Riders to "replace" this legit Qresearch board.
85% of Bolsheviks were JEWS.
Why Were Jews Expelled 1,030 Times From 132 Host Nations?
Page 1 of 44
'''1,200 B.C. – Egypt – Jews Expelled for having leprosy and causing various Seditions/rRebellions throughout Egypt, including helping the Hyksos gain and maintain power;
Jews venomously deny this basically because it refutes the mythology in their Old Testament; Egyptian historian Apion (1st Century B.C.), who the Jewish Josephus wrote an entire book (‘Against Apion’) attempting to debunk because he said bad things about Jews and their perfectness
(Tacitus via Apion via Manetho, ‘Judaism In Action’)(this first entry may in fact need to be omitted due to the fact that it is largely mythistoricaland also that it is referring to the Hebrew people who are not exactly the same people asthe Jewish people)
733 B.C. – Samaria – Jews Expelled by King Tiglath-Pileser III
(Samuele Artom, ‘The Books ofKings and Chronicles’, 1981)
722 B.C.- Samaria - Jews Expelled by Sargon II
(Samuele Artom, 1981)
586 or 597 B.C. – Babylon/Judah - Jews Expelled by Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon for refusing to pay tribute
(Michael Coogan, ‘A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament’, 2009)
356 B.C. – Persia – Jews Expulsion/Killing plot by Haman(apocryphal ‘Book of Esther’;mythistorical)
139 B.C. – Rome – Jews Expelled by Gnaeus Cornelius Hispanus for attempting to corrupt Romans into religious cults, Cheating people out of Money.
(E. Mary Smallwood, ‘The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey To Diocletian’, p.128;
115 B.C. – Cyrenaica, Cyprus – Jews Expelled/Killed
87-86 B.C. – Cyrene, Greece – Jews Expelled/Killed after Jewish uprising
(E. Mary Smallwood,‘The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey To Diocletian’, p. 141)
66-63 B.c – Jerusalem – Jews Expelled after Pompey The Great annexes Judea/takes Jews as slaves to Rome
(E. Mary Smallwood, ‘The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey To Diocletian’, p. 21)
63 B.C. – Samaritan toparchies (E. Mary Smallwood, ‘The Jews Under Roman Rule: FromPompey To Diocletian’, p. 40)
61 B.C. – Ramathaim, Syria – Jews Expelled
(E. Mary Smallwood, ‘The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey To Diocletian’, p. 28)
61 B.C. – Ephraim, Syria – Jews Expelled
(E. Mary Smallwood, ‘The Jews Under Roman Rule:From Pompey To Diocletian’, p. 28)
61 B.C. – Lydda, Syria – Jews Expelled (E. Mary Smallwood, ‘The Jews Under Roman Rule:From Pompey To Diocletian’, p. 28)
53 B.C. – Palestine – Jews Expelled/sold into slavery by C. Cassius Longinus
(E. MarySmallwood, ‘The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian’, p. 36)
37 B.C. – Palestine – Jews massacred after Romans capture Jerusalem
(E. Mary Smallwood,‘The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian’, p. 113)
30 B.C. – Alexandria, Egypt – Jews massacred (50,000+) in a riot started by Physcon specifically against Jews
(E. Mary Smallwood, ‘The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey toDiocletian’, p. 224-225)
Sure, name all the countries that you Jews never migrated to.
Nope and OyVey da Sneaky Jew.
>Seemed like ok people to me.
Really? these 3 Jewish bakers when they baked on 8chan/8kun refused to Notable well sauced posts that exposed Organized Jewish Cabal criminality even when the posts were Nommed by 2 and 3 anons.
When they were outed, they formed MNR and spammed their "ad" in every bread tellling anons to switch over to their board, and hoping that would make Q post over there instead of on this legit Qresearch board.
No one did.