Reiner Fuellmich's Stiftung International Legal Offensive part 3
part of a ongoing series - parts 1 and 2 are also worthwhile
excellent and inspiring
Reiner F and another lawyer have been contacting people all over the world - talking about the best legal approach for taking down DS corona tyranny.
Now listening the their third long but fascinating session with people from the US, Australia, Slovakia, Belgium and other places (not finished yet). Not all lawyers tho - pastors, other people who are speaking out. Very off the cuff, full of surprise info, e.g.:
there are TANKS in the street in Chile enforcing Covid restrictions;
In Slovakia, their PCR tests are set at a tolerance of 45-50 cycles - sure to generate almost all false positives.
In Belgium, initially ruled that all doors and windows should be closed so that "virus cannot get in."
Previously they have talked with people from:
Germany, Italy, France, Austria, US, UK, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Greece, Slovakia, S Africa, Nambia, Belgium (more?), India/Japan
The discussions expose the similarities and differences of policies in different countries. Also, they are looking at how court cases won in Country A can be applied to Countries B, C, D…..
They plan to set up a database and archive.
This group is developing a foundation for a very powerful worldwide effort based not just on international law but on the basic rights of man. They seem to be becoming a clearinghouse for information on how Covid restrictions are imposed in different countries. And what kind of common approach can be used to cut thru the lies (which are the same the world around).
Reiner doesn't think the int'l courts will support anything, so the "international' effort will have to focus more on what is happening in the higher courts in each country. Courts rely on the "precautionary" principle - being overly cautious because they don't know what else to do.
3rd session was just recorded today
long but worth a listen.