>>13664330 pb
It's not satanism, really… Satanistsare atheist and think they're individual gods. They don't believe in worshipping another person, "especially Jesus".
LUCIFERIANSworship satan and call him "lucifer" and they believe he IS God. They are the complete inversion of anything good or anything created by a benevolent God. They think Jesus is the "great oppressor". Their creation story talks about the cycle of life and death and why they do sacrifice and eat the raw flesh of their victim. Satanists are moar pagan and their satanic bible says not to harm animals or people, etc.. TheLuciferians worship the devil and their "god" requires death/murder/blood sacrifice. They are aSEX CULTand their entire religion revolves around satan's penis. They believe the sun is their god's penis and the sunlight is the sperm that sprays down on the earth which they believe is the life creating womb. Their penises are the seat of their god.. the throne of satan where all his power is. Their bible is called "Morals and Dogma" by albert pike. The satanic bible was written by LaVey. Two different cults. Luciferians believe the biggest fools are atheist because they believe the greatest trick the devul ever pulled was to convince people that he did not exist. Pic rel is an excerpt from their creation story from the luciferian bible and ends with why they have obelisks everywhere.
If you haven't checked out his video, go check out this thread >>13602782