3d7f5a Itzig
d04128 Itzig
These are 2 Jewish children from Germany. In the German bread they always get one on their kippa so they fled here.
3d7f5a Itzig
d04128 Itzig
These are 2 Jewish children from Germany. In the German bread they always get one on their kippa so they fled here.
na du kleiner Judenkasper.
ihr könnt euch nicht verstecken
>Oh look a bad swarthy person picture on a personal pizza.
Ihr Judenbengel seid echt hirntod!
>>13667681 Itzig
Ihr merkt nichts mehr!
Deshalb gehört ihr in der nächsten Müllverbrennungsanlage entsorgt!
Soso der Asijudensohn!
You Jews can be proud to have killed 1 million women, children, wounded and old people.
Typical Kikes!
Dresden Holocaust we do not forget or forgive!