Klaus Schwabb and Bill Gates and the Davos "elite" parasites want to transform us into obedient lil trans-humanist slaves to serve the rich and powerful
Fuck them !
Klaus Schwabb and Bill Gates and the Davos "elite" parasites want to transform us into obedient lil trans-humanist slaves to serve the rich and powerful
Fuck them !
filthy old commie degenerate
I wonder how many kids have died to supply Klaus wuth his daily adrenochrome
Klaus should be soylent greened
It's already begun
The covid therapies contain hydrogey, which is a fancy way to describe nano-bots
These nano-bots can self replicate using your own body's natural bacteria and the bots also generate their own electricity
When they eventually cross the human blood brain barrier, you will be well on your way to becoming Borg/Hive Mind for Klaus and his minions
Yes, exactly
The vaccinated sheeples can shed the virus
What are the consequences of blood transfusions, etc ?
Unprotected sex ?
It may be difficult for the control group to avoid infection from those who got the shot
Joe doesn't need a special reason to shit his pants, it comes naturally with his dementia