Damn, OldGlowie banner is getting quite the workout today.
The US Evangelical Christians are the most overlooked part of any image board's JQ discussions.
That's Israel's most powerful weapon.
They're the ones that scare politicians the most.
That's why you always here Muh Greatest Ally out of one of them any time Israel comes up as a topic.
(yeah yeah fuckery-n-blackmail too don't get me wrong)
FlyingOnions is the new BV sheriff in town.
Even Fungus is cowering in fear now that he's shown right off the bat he's not afraid to use his weapon.
>>13673813 See:
>>13673673 - Breadmaker's official statement re: Old Glowie
You FilterFags are annoying af, but I do respect your list.
It doesn't have Muh Joo in it.