How centuries have PERNICIOUS JEWS been kicked out of their host nations?
2 thousand years? 4 thousand years? 6 gorillian years?
LMAO@ the Satanist jew scum.
How centuries have PERNICIOUS JEWS been kicked out of their host nations?
2 thousand years? 4 thousand years? 6 gorillian years?
LMAO@ the Satanist jew scum.
This is Bibi and his jew minion "yes men's" faces while reviewing (((Google analytic))) data concerning how much NORMAL, DECENT, people HATE THE FUCKING JEWS and the "state" of ISRAEL.
LMAO @ the soon to be pogromed JEWS.
Now that the GOYIM PAID FOR Iron Dome is FAILING miserably, like most things JEWISH, Bibi wants a peace deal, after rejecting it several days ago.
Iron Goy is failing. Goyim HATE THEIR JEW MASTERS.
Now, Bibi wants peace.
Death to the jews!
Couldn't resist
On the one hand, we know that the (((media))) in the USA is nothing but a jew controlled mouth-piece.
On the other hand, there actually are journalists that simply want to report the facts.
It is a tough call, but, the AP in Gaza does not support the JEW party line, which is why they were attacked.
>You can;t say that.
That is so true. Because of you do "say that" the whole jew house of cards comes down, and before the jews know it, there are NORMAL, DECENT people gunning them down, hanging them, and butchering them in the streets like the little nasty demons they are.
All right,faggots
Off to bed.
Jews are getting their asses handed to them thanks to Hamas, a rag-tag bunch of faggots.
Is it because Hamas is so great?
It is that the jews are so arrogant and STUPID.
The jews are losing the war financially, *read goyim dollars), and they have lost the hearts and minds of most normies.
Too bad for them, right?
All in all, it has been a good day against the jewish run GLOBOHOMO.
As soon as Israel is declared to be a FAILED STATE (sooner rather than later), the pogroms against the jews can start in earnest in the USA and other White countries.
Once the jew menace has been wiped out, dealing with the niggers and the other third-world scum jews have imported into our countries will be a cake-walk.
Good night!
Good night.
>tick tock
For real, this time around.
One look at her jew nose tells the whole fucking story.
Good catch, anon.
>Its too much for the freest place in the world.
Uh, huh...
For jew schizophrenia?
>meme war or just ban anon?
How about death to all you jews.
I'll settle for that.
According to that metric, Gary is about 7 feet tall.
You are such a stupid jew.
Jews always censor that which they cannot control. Sort of like the AP building the jews flattened yesterday.
Typical jew behavior, and one more reason to gas the jews.
There are no lousy students, only lousy teachers.
It takes courage to admit that you are a complete and total failure.
I sleep fine, Moishe.
I will sleep better once the pogroms start which will be pretty soon, now that the goyim are waking up.
โ sauce
Moar sauce:
Not your enemy.
Die on a fire.
Israel is not your enemy, you filthy goyim.
Get with the program!