Tanks B.
The Programming runs Deep.
Very Interesting….
This Requires a Barefoot walk Diagnosis.
The Questions Run So Deep
Please tell me who I am.
Requesting: S01E02 - COACH HOUSE
For Further Investigation.
Marshall Mcluhan Full lecture: The medium is the message - 1977 part 1 v 3
Say it.
The Alternative to Violence is Dialogue.
Who Am I
How much Power can I exert by banging into other people?
Where's Theta?
Golf is a Game Of Violence….
The Game Requires an Audience
If there is No Audience, the game is just a rehearsal
Looking into the Rear View Mirror is a Perception of the Future
Not the Past.
The Clown is a Voice of Grievance
a real or imagined wrong or other cause for complaint or protest, especially unfair treatment.
"failure to redress genuine grievances"
The Hidden Aspect of the Media must be Talked about
The Inviable Enemy must be Investigated more.
There is no Picture on tell a Vision
It's a Collage of Resonating Particles that Affect the Eyes and Ears to Bring unconscious thought to the Surface. so a Grievance can be Created and a Costume can be Provided for the Clown.
TV is a Resonating Experience….
noted… Pondering
Jane Austin
People go outside to be alone to prove their inner resources
that there are no people , that we can make it alone.
Hawthorn said that going outside is Undermining Democracy.