Military people should hold study circles while off duty in the barracks and chow halls, and discuss The Constitution. THAT will show who’s who and get to the bottom of this sooner than later.
If ‘the military is the only way’, the military is going to have to discuss The Constitution… or fuck off.
Thirty years ago starting at the MEPS, through basic, AIT and permanent party….
Never ONCE was the Constitution actually discussed, reviewed nor studied, accept for the minute long swearing ceremony. Do the enlisted have any idea what they infact swear to uphold and defend? Do commissioned officers for that matter?
Nice reverse psychology there.
That could actually work in flushing out who’s who even better.
That’s covered in the Pursuit Of Happiness clause.
Active duty, reserves and prior service NEED to openly discuss The Constitution and how it makes them ‘feel’, up OR down.
How the fuck people take an oath to something they nothing about is beyond thisanon’s comprehension.