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"Magnetorheological Fluid and its Applications
Pranav Gadekar*
, V.S.Kanthale and N.D.Khaire
Mechanical Department, MITCOE, Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Accepted 12 March 2017, Available online 16 March 2017, Special Issue-7 (March 2017)
A Magneto rheological Fluid (MRF) is a Smart fluid whose viscosity can be varied by application of magnetic field.
The MR Fluid has vast applications in various engineering as well as day to day life. There is huge potential that this
revolutionary material will provide many leading edge applications. The fluid has applications in various fields such
as automotive industry, household applications, prosthetics, civil engineering, hydraulics, brakes and clutches, etc.
Also there is a possible application of the fluid in reducing the effect of Gun Recoil. This paper will describe these
applications and working of proposed application."
"Magnetorheological Fluid and its Applications
Pranav Gadekar*
, V.S.Kanthale and N.D.Khaire
Mechanical Department, MITCOE, Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Accepted 12 March 2017, Available online 16 March 2017, Special Issue-7 (March 2017)
A Magneto rheological Fluid (MRF) is a Smart fluid whose viscosity can be varied by application of magnetic field.
The MR Fluid has vast applications in various engineering as well as day to day life. There is huge potential that this
revolutionary material will provide many leading edge applications. The fluid has applications in various fields such
as automotive industry, household applications, prosthetics, civil engineering, hydraulics, brakes and clutches, etc.
Also there is a possible application of the fluid in reducing the effect of Gun Recoil. This paper will describe these
applications and working of proposed application."
"4. MR Fluid as aRobot Blood
The smart fluids are studies on theISSwhich may ==flow
in robots as blood. MR fluids are liquids that change
viscosity or change shape when are under a magnetic
Could perhaps also change a living being into stone.
"1Rheos is a Greek word to Flow. Rheology is the science
if material flow under external load conditions. The
word Magnetorheological Fluid means fluid whose
apparent viscosity increases, with application of
MAGNETIC field. Also known as MR fluids, these fluids
have magnetisable particles suspended in the base
fluid. The base fluid is a type of oil. The ==MR fluid change
from liquid state to solid state when exposed to
magnetic field in a fraction of second==. This property
enables a quick response interface between mechanical
systems and electronic components. Magnetorheological fluid has the very versatile application
opportunities in many fields including aerospace,
automotive industry, hydraulics, fields such as medical."
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