Anonymous ID: a6f4c4 May 16, 2021, 11:48 a.m. No.13677362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7379

Frens, on this Drew McKissick issue and Potus backing him vs. Lin. First, let me say Lin has never been an insider with Potus, he doesn't know any more details about the Plan then we do. So why did Potus back McKissick? Well, think about this, you caught a shoplifter stuffing his pockets, dead to rights you know he's crooked, but now, how do you charge a shoplifter? What must happen first? You have to let a shoplifter leave the building, completing the crime. Trust the plan Frens. Look at all those rino's Trump put in power, if he hadn't put them in power they wouldn't have been able to complete their crimes and exposed themselves for who they really are, 5:5? Trust the Plan, wiping the board clean, of ALL of [Them]. Only then can we move forward and usher in the new world, free of all evil.


And think about this, think about all the Good Lin has done just in running for this position, look how he's spread the word of God and brought so many good people together. God puts us where he needs us to be, God works through us. We don't always understand at the time why certain things happen but when we look back afer time passes it becomes clear God had his reasons. We can trust God is not done with Lin, no, not by a long shot. Lin is a powerful warrior, good will follow him. Trust in God, Trust HIS Plan. God Wins and God has already Won.


The Best IS yet to come. Stay comfy, God has this, Let go and let God, God Bless you on this Sunday, God's day. Pray and give Thanks for all our Blessing. WWG1WGA