Pompeo hitting the 17 the 5:5 and 45 (54 backwards)
Timestamp 6:10 pm 18:10
1) 18-1 = 17
2) 6:10 pm & Covid 19 6+1+1+9 = 17
President Biden
United States government official
We’ve made incredible progress in the fight against COVID-19, but we’re not done yet. Get vaccinated and then ensure your family, friends, and neighbors do as well.
Let’s finish strong, folks.
6:10 PM · May 16, 2021·The White House
If a virus were to escape a lab…..what all happens? Let's think this through. For instance, do the people feel well enough to travel to other countries to spread it, but not really affect the people in the country it originated? How come? I may have some more questions, as we think this through.
God Wins!
Interesting, anon. I am not a medical person. Can viruses be transported in vials? I always go back to these vials.
>Menthol Cigarettes in particular offer added protection against Covid.
They better not ban menthol.