"The Platonic Solids were mentioned by Plato 300 BC and he equated these solids to the five elements fire (tetrahedron), air (octahedron), earth (cube), water (icosahedron) and the ether (dodecahedron). Remember that Plato equated the icosahedron to water and we’ll show you how right he was!"
"A recent theory by Martin Chaplin Professor of Applied Science Water and Aqueous Systems Research of the London South Bank University demonstrates that water molecules can arrange themselves in various structures and configurations based on the icosahedron. The most amazing structure is a super icosahedral structure that exists of 13 smaller icosahedral structures with a total of 1820 water molecules.
Chaplin’s model of the molecular structuring of water is able to explain many of the anomalous properties of water, such as its expansion between 0 en 4 degrees, its high boiling point and many other strange properties that makes water such a rare fluid. So what this theory shows is that water dynamically creates these super icosahedral clusters to give water its exclusive properties.
Now here’s the secret of water in relation with Orgone energy, these icosahedral structures resonate with the zero point energy through form! They are the waveguides that allow the zero point energy to implode. The icosahedral water clusters simply, nest or fit recursively into the fractal matrix of imploding waves that sustains matter, i.e. the atoms of the water molecules. According to Daniel Winter, the implosion of this electromagnetic energy into matter is what we observe as gravity. So in other words the icosahedral structure is a wave guide for the imploding Orgone energy, allowing super conductance of these imploding waves, which is just another word for this non-destructive Golden Mean based electromagnetic implosion. What happens in the water is that a vortex of imploding electromagnetic energy is created, drawing in this Orgone, or Chi energy from the universe into the water. Just think of it as an ether vortex or whirlpool that is sucking in ether and it is this suction of the ether wind is that we experience as gravity."