Oh look, same IP claiming they weren't pushing fake Q still pushing fake Q.
>Oh look, same IP claiming they weren't pushing fake Q still pushing fake Q.
>your debunking of your own fake Q strawman says a lot, comped namefag
So let me get this straight, now your claim is that I created the fake Q posts so I could debunk the fake Q posts for the purpose of making you look stupid?
>that's not my claim
>your debunking of your own fake Q strawman says a lot, comped namefag
>>explain the zero delta "coincidence" please
I'm not interested in coincidences/deltas/decodes or any other stupidity you can pull out of the fake Q posts. I am only interested in pointing out that it is the same people pushing fake Q every time, and that those same idiots tend to scream "muh joo" a lot. Have fun playing with yourself from here on out.
>But it is the Jews.
You misunderstand, I'm not saying it is the people that ask the JQ, I'm saying it is the people that scream "muh joo" whenever any of the questions are asked. The types that work from synagogues.
>600+ posts last bred were Nazi posting and muhjoo posting, but it's the few that call them out that are the problem. Okay, buddy.
I guess that should tell you how sick everyone is of the board jews shilling 24/7