Change your code, lazyass.
If you want the privilege of hosting a copy of the World Famous QResearch Notables you'll need to up your game.
Quit hassling the Bakers all the time.
Change your code, lazyass.
If you want the privilege of hosting a copy of the World Famous QResearch Notables you'll need to up your game.
Quit hassling the Bakers all the time.
There was a counter-attack unleashed last 2 breads.
Board Jew Strikes Back.
There will be moar coming.
>that all you got?
WATN can write a more flexible scraping tool.
Others already are and you don't see them bitching.
WATN has the first in class (like QMAP did) name recognition.
Don't blow it by not proactively using your time more wisely.
>Have fun playing with yourself from here on out.
o7 BV
Besides, there will be new bs coming no later than tomorrow.
Rest up.
>I get what you're saying
kek the abyss just put its finger in your bunghole you'll be a real Anon soon
TY for your honesty.
There are new aggs pulling it off why can't WATN?
Bread speed way down in QR 2021.
Manually editing a few times a day is no biggie.
Most Bakers use the same formatting but there are newfag Bakers these days.
All it takes is one to edit a bit diff, pass the Dough, and voila it's borked (for WATN purposes) again.
Knee-jerk to hurr durr ur a shill all you want.
You have a diff opinion - let me state for the record I don't think you are a shill for having it.
I'm not advocating NOT doing something simple that can help an agg out.
I'm saying that the Dough is always fraught with fuckery/newfaggedness.
Other "competitors" have recognized this and have coded around this.
I'm suggesting WATN do the same because the issue isn't going away anytime soon.
GTFO - Q has neither shrunk nor gone overboard on the JQ (same as with other big subjects).
Besides, there's a huge difference between:
All fuckery no matter by whom should be made public here with no Gatekeeping/Interference
Kill All Jews
>check out those trips KEK is on a roll
QResearch is the land of extremes:
Every last Jew on Earth is pure evil
Jews dindu nuffin