Anonymous ID: 11554c May 16, 2021, 8:08 p.m. No.13681019   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A part of what is going on has to do with money. Evidence and intuition over a period of years suggest to me that the end of this is the end of Big Pharma. You can't keep injecting people indefinitely without killing off the "herd". Of course at least part of that may be intentional, but this agenda operates through hundreds, thousands and even millions of public health workers, medical practitioners, nurses and etc. Not only will many doctors and nurses repent of their involvement when children start to get ill and die from the shots, but millions of people will begin to see that if they don't protect the patients at some point their own careers livelihoods and reputations are on the block. Schools might be shut down over this, as the damage and death to students will finally (maybe) get parents to either take over the schools or shut them down by removing their children. In any case there is this beautiful, brief window of opportunity for people who whether they know it or not are either stepping into Nuremburg Trial levels of evil or else coming clean, repenting and helping to free themselves as well as innocent children from the pharmaceutical death cult.