The 3 letter agencies and the military are always here faggot, they may not post, but they are here.
Same with Q, may not be posting, but Q is always here lurking.
The 3 letter agencies and the military are always here faggot, they may not post, but they are here.
Same with Q, may not be posting, but Q is always here lurking.
> muh jew
Anons see you, chink shill
It's not all the jews doing, the chink CCP has their dirty chink fingers involved too.
Nah, I don't think I will filter you just to spite you faggot
Someones big mad at being called out for their bullshit
Also (you) have 25 posts.. shill faggot
ty for calling out the disinfo faggot BV. :)
> Giraffe Neck
Pencil Neck..
Adam Schiff
Liddle Adam Schiff
Wonder whats going on with him…