Nobody. Cares. QickFlip.
Trump was in on it. He only acted as a Steam Valve to keep people contained and prepare the way for Anti-White Extermination Camps.
Still not good enough. They are still winning and Trump is still golfing and laughing all the way to Israel.
Dan SCAMvino is also COMPED.
Filter all you want, I'm still right, and you still know it.
That's why Nothing Good Ever Happens.
Ashes and Echoes
Nobody. Cares. QickFlip.
If they could think logically, they'd see the Anti-White Extermination Camps coming.
Why doesn't O'Keefe ever Name The Jew? If you don't Name The Jew, your Message Ain't True.
Lin is a demented old man and doesn't have a damn thing to back him up, which is why he and Sidney Powell and all other Lawyers are kike-a-likes if not kikes directly.
Yeah, because Jim owns the website had doesn't have anything to do but post here, on /freedomzine/ and molest Ronnie the QickFlip.
Because he knows he'd get destroyed there. Nothing will come of any audit. No Judge is going to hear the case because they are all too scared of the Angry Nigger Mob.
Nobody. Cares. QickFlip.
Nobody. Cares. QickFlip.
Did you ever think that the entire QLARP from the beginning was like that? There are more than enough hints.
Nobody. Cares. QickFlip.
And? Nothing will get done about it. No Judge will take any case about voter fraud. They are all too scared of the Angry Nigger Mob to ever do anything that could lead to Trump coming back.
Pack your Shit for Anti-White Extermination Camp.
The CCP is Jews, you're just JIDF.
Nobody. Cares. QickFlip.
More Hopium. No, that won't happen. Ever.
You can't. There is only Eternal Misery.
Nobody. Cares. QickFlip. Your LARP will end when we get to Camp.
I do! I remember when the QNiggers said it would be during Trump's term!
I'm right and you know it.
Nothing will be done. Nothing good will ever happen. Q is a LARP and Trump isn't coming back because everyone is too scared of the Angry Nigger Mob.
That's still Hopium. Why would you think that we would be allowed on the starships when the kikes who rule the world can just exterminate all whites and rule forever?
Good Things Don't Happen. Ever.
Nobody. Cares. QickFlip.
No Judge will ever hear the case because they're all too scared of the Angry Nigger Mob to ever put Trump back. End of.
It's just more rabbit holes for you to fall down while doing nothing to stop the coming Anti-White Extermination Camps.
You mean, you smoke Hopium.
That's how you know it was fake. Optics is for firearms or cucks.
If they don't sperg out about something being comms, they begin to understand that nobody is coming and we're all doomed.
They shirk back from the Horrid Reality.
No he isn't. Nobody is getting punished or arrested. And the only indictments are for white people to be shoved into Anti-White Extermination Camps.
I've known the entire time. That's why Kampfy had me banned on sight when he was mod on /pol/ before Jim took the website down.
Ashes and Echoes
Pure Hopium.
Also Hopium.
Even more Hopium. You can't hear shit but your own farts and the QickFlip's shilling about election fraud.
Nobody is going to trial. Nobody is going to be punished but white people. Nobody is going to be arrested but whites who didn't get the jab.
There is only Eternal Misery.
Ashes and Echoes
Nobody. Cares. QickFlip.
You can kvetch about it all you want, but you got sold a LARP. Trump isn't coming back, specifically because of Angry Nigger Mob members like that one.
Photoshoop and Jewish Subversion.
Because all monotheism is semitic poison.
More Hopium. Nothing will be done about the ballots. No Judge will ever hear a case on voter fraud.
Nope. Going to keep screaming until the kikes turn the internet off.
That's not good enough. The Purity Spiral Will Continue. All monotheism is semitic poison. End of. It allows for monoculture, which allows for kikery.
More Hopium. No richfag is ever going to give a damn, they are also too scared of the Angry Nigger Mob to ever fight back.
Your kike bible verses aren't good enough.
No. I will continue to scream here until the kikes turn the internet off and drag us all to Anti-White Extermination Camp, QNigger.
All Q Posts are shams.
RaceTraitor Scum
I know enough to know that you're not ever going to see a richfag EVER doing anything about it. They've all knuckled under or are acting as Controlled Opposition Grifters.
But nobody is waking up. They're all still normies and all still cucking out.
That's not good enough.
You can measure who's aware by naming the Jew. If they understand, they're aware. If they kvetch, they're not.
And it still doesn't make a damn, since nobody is fighting back hard enough to force Israel to nuke the world.
Ashes and Echoes
Dan sold you Hopium, then sold you out when he made Parler.
Being a LARP because Ron keeps posting about ballots in Arizona, knowing that no Judge will ever hear a case on voter fraud.
It was always a LARP.
Tingles aren't good enough. We need perfect results, and we needed them ten years ago.
But that's not what's happening. That's a LARP to induce Hopium smoking in you QNiggers so that you continue to buy Jim's Merch.
You get what you fucking deserve. Trump is a traitor that only cares about Jews.
Bullshit. The entire thing was a LARP to get boomers to buy into some savior coming to help them instead of what's really coming: Anti-White Extermination Camps.
Nothing good will ever happen.
Jews often play both sides, faggot. All monotheism is Semitic Poison.
Because Jews play both sides. All Monotheism is Semitic Poison.
Well? How am I wrong? Nobody has been arrested. Nobody will be arrested except whites who will be sent to Anti-White Extermination Camp.
You mean, you smoke Hopium so you won't feel bad.
All Monotheism is Semitic Poison. I will keep my conclusion because you faggots ruined Rome and murdered Julianus Restitutor, the last true Emperor.
Anything that isn't Eternal Misery, is Hopium by definition.
More Jewish Lies.
Until people start killing reporters, it won't.
Nobody. Cares. QickFlip.
Nothing will be done about it. Nobody is going to get arrested except for whites who didn't get the Jab.
I'm right and you know it.
The QickFlip has always been Q because his Molestor, Jim Watkins put him up to it while he still had custody of him.
Nobody Cares. QickFlip. Go back to the Pig Farm to get buttfucked by Jim.
That is also Hopium. Why would anything good ever happen when it can just get worse?
Nobody. Cares. QickFlip
No, it won't. You have nothing to show that it will. If it didn't happen in January, it's not going to happen now. You're just smoking Hopium so you don't have to feel bad about the impending Anti-White Extermination Camps. The republic is gay and always has been since the time of Caesar Divi Filli Augustus.
Cringe Harder.
Whatever, Hopium Smoker.
There wasn't one.
Fuck off, Jim. Nobody cares about your mantits or anything you have to say on >>>/freedomzine/.
You molested The QickFlip known as CM into being Q.