I'm feeling incredibly conflicted about the amount of losses we've suffered so far
All these people who took the mark of the beast. My brother, my grandparents.
Couple of my friends. One of my little ones.
I know I could've transgressed less. I Should've. I shouldn't of sinned. Kept sinning.
If I hadn't. Maybe they wouldn't of doomed themselves.
I feel so bad for them. I think my grandma is scared because shes realized I'm right.
And theres nothing we can do for them. Its to late now.
Does anybody know the cope for this. It is written, do not spoil the Faith of another.
Thats not my wish. I don't want to spoil your Faiths. Mine isn't spoiled… I'm heart
broken though…
Its going to be so bad… My grandmas spirit came and talked to me the night before
she got the shot. It was a very sad conversation, and even her spirit sounded like it
was being tortured…
My God Bros. We have to save who ever we can. We have to declare these Truths.
That the vaccine is the Mark of the Beast. that the Time is now, it is not far off. That
the Prophets are Right. The False Prophet is Coming. The Great Tribulation is Beginning.
The World will change over night. Ye, The Lord is coming like a Thief in the Night.
Jesus Christ will not return until the Great Tribulation ends when the beast and the
false prophet and the dragon are defeated. I'm pretty sure that will be a little bit
longer than 1335 days from now.
I don't know if its my fault that my brother, or anyone else got the vaccine. I tried
to be their keepers, but apparently I did a piss poor job at that. Be Of Good Repor.
Strike with God. Cease to do Evil, Learn to do Good. Fight the Good Fight! Don't
give them an Inch, and if you do. Take it back.
Seek thy brothers Soul as thy own.