That's also Hopium. Why would anything good ever happen? Monotheism is Semitic Poison.
Whatever. Finklefag is a TRSodomite. I've never posted his phrases.
Liar Liar. Set yourself on Fire.
Gods how I hate you faggots. You ruined Chan culture and imageboards all together with this shit. And Jim is the enabler of it.
If I ever get to Manilla, we're going to have a chat, ManTits.
And since nobody is shooting doctors who simp for it, the normies knuckle under.
Violence Works.
Die Degenerate Die.
Jim runs the entire fucking website. That's how you know the entire thing is a LARP.
Die Degenerate Die.
Because you're here forever, Jimbo. Deal with it. /pol/ is always right.
And no Judge will EVER hear a case about Voter Fraud. End of.
They are all too scared of the Angry Nigger Mob to ever fight back.
>>13681588 (WASTE OF DUBS)
Why are you a degenerate?
Even more Hopium
It's a distraction technique by the JIDF. This is why you should ban porn.
Nobody. Cares. QickFlip.
No Judge will EVER hear a case about voter fraud. They are all too scared of the Angry Nigger Mob to ever do anything that would possibly bring Trump back.
The movie is shit and made by Jews.
I'm still right. You still know it. That's why nobody fought back. Not even Trump.
Smoke all the Hopium you want, that's not going to change anything.
Then why did they say the cases had no standing before?
You're smoking Hopium because you're a christcuck.
It will not go to any court. No Judge will hear it, They are too scared of the Angry Nigger Mobs. End of.
You mean, when you bought into the Hopium Smoking because you didn't want to feel bad?
Smoke all the hopium you want. Voting is gay, liberty is a faggot concept.
Nothing will be done. No court will hear it. No Judge will allow it.
There is nothing coming but Anti-White Extermination Camp.
Death To Israel. All Monotheism is Semitic Poison.
Liar Liar. Set yourself on Fire.
Nobody is scared of Ron Watkins, the QickFlip or his molestor, Jim MIGATits Watkins.
Gods I hate that KoalaKiller. She's a total kike.
Liar Liar. Set yourself on Fire, QickFlip!
State legislatures are also too scared of the Angry Nigger Mob to ever do anything to bring Trump back. None of them would EVER dare cross the Angry Nigger Mob.
There are no patriots. Only Freedomfaggot boomers who ruined chan culture.
Dan SCAMino is a LARPer, a Fraud and fucked over everyone on Parler.
There will be no fraud uncovered. There will only be Anti-White Extermination Camps.
>>13681777 (WASTE OF TRIPS)
Yet nothing is ever done about the fraud. Almost like: NOBODY. CARES. QICKFLIP!
Always has been. CM the QickFlip has always been Q.
I'm still right. you still know it.
Ashes and Echoes
That's not good enough. You're smoking Hopium, Christfaggot.
>>13681788(WASTE OF DUBS)
Sessions was always an anti-white faggot, I'm from Alabama, I know.
Die JIDF Die. I hope Hamas hits you with a rocket personally.
More Hopium. Nobody will be punished.
>>13681811 (WASTE OF DUBS)
No. I'm right and you know it. All Monotheism is Semitic Poison.
You mean, you're a kike-a-like! Every Lawyer has kissed the ring. EVERY LAST ONE! If you are a member of a professional association, you cucked. End of.
You don't know a damn thing other than what the jews told you to. I know the true Pattern of the Cosmos.
Eternal Misery.
Ashes and Echoes
I'm still right. You still know it. All Monotheism is Semitic Poison.
No court would ever hear it. Ever. No legislature, None. They are all COMPED. They are all kiked. They are all cucked. They are all too scared of the Angry Nigger Mob to ever do anything to bring Trump back. Deal with it.
/pol/ is always right.
Shilling Hopium
Too bad. We're here forever until the kikes turn the internet off and have their Angry Nigger Mobs start rounding us up into Anti-White Extermination Camp.
Ashes and Echoes
Your gay, MasonicNigger Jacobin Wannabe country was always destroyed from the beginning. That's what happens when you allow niggers and Jews in.
Death To Israel. Death to Christcucks.
Whatever namefaggot. I'm right and you know it. Nothing good has ever happened and nothing good ever will.
Ashes and Echoes
All Monotheism is Semitic Poison
Whatever Namefaggot. The results play out in the pattern I see. Until the results change, I will continue to scream
And nothing happened to Schiff, because like All Jews, the US protects him.
Nope! I will continue to scream at you namefaggots until they turn the internet off and shove us into Anti-White Extermination Camps.
What is it that QickFlip is always saying? Fraud Vitiates Everything?
Right about everything being ruined. About the world being doomed. About ZOG ruling everything. About Jim.
There is no hope; there is only Eternal Misery.
It's your misery too. There is nothing in this cosmos that is not also Punishment.
That's more Hopium. Nothing will happen to Schiff other than him retiring to Jerusalem with Trump and all the other kikelovers in our government.
Well, you bought into the earlier LARP that they did with the whole Q thing, so why not?
You'll believe anything that gives you hope.
Whatever Namefaggot. There's no admitting defeat here. There's just me being right about the entire thing.
We are going to be killed in Anti-White Extermination Camps or by the robot soldiers of the kikes. End of. Nothing good has ever happened.
This is why faggots should be thrown from rooftops. Even the Jihadis get that one right.
Whatever Hopium Addict.
I'm still right. You still know it. Nothing will be done about any of the fraud. Trump isn't coming back and everyone is too scared of the Angry Nigger Mob to ever try.
Ashes and Echoes
And you forgot: No judge will ever hear the case. Nothing will be done about it. Trump isn't coming back.
You. Can't. Good things don't happen, and they never will. The only thing that Fate will allow to happen is Eternal Misery.
More Hopium. That sounds like you've never stepped outside your compound.
But where else would I be, than here or on telegram? There's nothing else for me. I'm just waiting for the camps. When Every Effort Always Fails, what the fuck else is there?
No. I don't miss your israel cucking. I don't miss your false flags in Oy Veygas.
I miss Hitler.
It's better than the Hopium this board is smoking.
Whatever Namefaggot. Prove me wrong. Show me something that isn't COMPED.
This is why we should force Samson. Force Israel to nuke the world and destroy all life.
Ashes and Echoes
Whatever Hopium Addict.
You're a Hopium Addcit. You deserve the misery coming when we all get to Camp.
Even that is hoping too much. Why would that ever happen when it could just get worse forever? Loss is Infinite.
Because I'm too cowardly to kill myself. Otherwise I would have, that and you just reincarnate, so it's a waste of effort.
I offered once upon a time, for someone to come to Lexington, Kentucky to help me kill myself in person. But nobody took me up on it.
Nope. I'm just the most demoralized person you'll ever meet. I've been screaming this shit since 2012.
This is part of the problem. The cycle of Empires is the problem. Why do the strong men not band together and kill everyone alive so that no more weak men can ever be born? Why is nobody interested in a perfect and permanent solution?
That's what happens when you get banned over and over. It's just how I post, yet I never namefag or tripfag. It's just a signature and easily recognized posting style.
But you'd know that if you paid attention to details.
Meh. I've never been a namefag, just an easily recognized anon because I don't change my posting style to suit faggot mods.
Wrong. Try another angle of attack.
Wrong again. Try another angle of attack. I've never been a board vol, or a board owner. Ever.
>>13682077 (WASTE OF DUBS)
All christians are cucks. Nothing will ever be done about any of the fraud. Trump isn't coming back. They're all too scared of the Angry Nigger Mob.
Well? You can meet me at Red Mile Race Track in Lexington, Kentucky. Bring an 8 of Diamonds and a .45 or better pistol and you can help me kill myself in person!
No. Life is filth. You can't focus on anything other than the Eternal Misery. At least, I can't. Now is someone going to help me kill myself in person or not?
It's not a crime to kill white people anymore. We are in the era of full selective enforcement.
Don't. Lie.
I know how, it's just that the cowardice stops me. Have you ever been afraid? What about paralyzed by fear?
No? Then you don't get it. And you never will.
Liar Liar. Set yourself on Fire.
Not really no. Hope is a lie. There is only Eternal Misery.
Eh, anything that lets her kill more koalas she'll do. That's why Gladys is the #KoalaKiller.
That's too good to be allowed to happen.
That's not how it works. Courage factors in all of those things, and again, you just reincarnate.
Whatever Hopium Addict.
Well? What the fuck else is there?
Whatever. Hopium Addcit.
Nothing will happen to Schiff. He works for the same Jews Trump does.
Because if someone else does it, I may be able to perform a ritual to destroy my soul so that I don't reincarnate.
it's also the edgelord version of fitemeirlfaggit.