I hate hurr durr yet here you are.
Even (especially?) when I agree in general with the Anon saying it.
I hate hurr durr yet here you are.
Even (especially?) when I agree in general with the Anon saying it.
If GretchFag were truly dedicated to her he'd give us some Gretch shoops you could fap to.
Always the same 7 or so pics/memes.
Kinda reminds me of the MNR limited meme crowd.
The breads go on forever and the shitposts never end.
GretchFag ain't hurting nobody.
He does his thing and then chills.
You FilterFags are a bunch of Nurse Ratchets.
Sounds like a plan.
Worry about your own slides.
What is this 50-60 / 50-40 shit?
Don't they know they total # of employees and have a count on who's been vaxxed?
QR only has posts of shit you don't like or approve of.
The rest you see is a mirage.
Day Shift had a weird one like that today.
Anons stopped what they were doing for a minute to watch it.
How about this one?
You can call out Jewish fuckery and still think Jack is a fucking pos for doing that.
Evangelical Christians: Israel's #1 Weapon
If you really feel that way then why aren't you high af all the time?
Doing daredevil type shit?
Spamming your life away on QResearch is no way to go through a doomed life.
I guess he's just another Glowie slide shill earning a paycheck.
Pillow didn't come off as such a Debbie Downer about everything like this guy does.
This guy reminds me moar of Fake Q (ver. 13) except without the I'm gonna rape the dog in front of the kids stuff.
Does your family have a history of dying young?
I mean give us some hope here that you could keel over any minute now.
Well, shoot.
Maybe we need a Global Notable to get moar eyes on.
Someone out there has to know of a way for you to do it without the fear kicking in too strong.
It's posts like this that make the e is Fungus crowd look like prophets.
> i wouldn't cross the street to piss on you if you were on fire
Ayo hol up.
In this case wouldn't you piss on him so as to deny him his wish?
Digits have convinced me to retract that post.